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#22 - Yoonhye's P.O.V.


Yoonhye's P.O.V.

I laid on Jongdae's legs as both of us are in the couch of their hideout. I was reading stories while Jongdae was playing with his video games. We sometimes spend our time here because for Jongdae, it has a special meaning here.

He told me that when they found this place, all of them promised each other that they wouldn't bring anyone into here except for their girlfriend or wife. I always love to be here because although it's not like a house, but it has everything that it should have.

Can you imagine that? They have everything here. A bed, television, small kitchen, couch and a lot of things. I couldn't imagine how they managed to buy this place, all these things, and fit all twelve of them in here.

"Ahh shit." Jongdae murmured silently. I looked up at him and asked, "Lose?"

"Yeah." He smiled at me and caressed my hair. I sat up from the couch and snuggled myself into Jongdae's warm hug.

"Yoonhye, what do you think of me?" Jongdae asked suddenly. I looked at him and asked, "Why are you suddenly asking me this?"

"Nothing." He smiled. "I just want to know how my girlfriend thinks about me."

"You are really kind, and loving. I am thankful to have you with me." I told him.

"That's all?" He pouted and asked.

"No." I chuckled and shook my head. "I love you, Jongdae." This is the first ever time that I told him the three words. We've been together for quite a long time, but I had never told him those words. I am afraid. I am afraid for losing him, and not having the chance to tell him those words.

I stared at his beautiful eyes. He stared down at me and stayed silent for a long time. I pushed him slightly and asked, "What were you thinking?"

"It's just...this is the first ever time that I heard you tell me 'I love you'. You aren't sick isn't it? Or you're just drunk again?" He said as he placed his hands on my forehead and examined my body temperature.

"Stop joking." I took his hands off and said.

"I love you, Yoonhye." He suddenly said. I look at him, not knowing what to say. Every time when I stared into his eyes for a long time, I get lost. I get lost in his pupil. I get lost because his eyes were too beautiful.

"Look at me, Yoonhye."

"I am." I mumbled and looked away.

"Yoonhye, Yixing once told me that he read in a novel, saying that you don't have to listen to what people have said, you just have to look what I've done for you."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, words aren't the most important thing, what matter the most is the heart. If there's someone who tell you that he loves you but his heart doesn't mean it, will you feel good? No."

"That's right. Remind me that I have to write it into my story." I grinned at him and said.

"Let's not tell each other any lies or keep any secrets away from each other, alright? I hope that we can be honest to each other, Yoonhye." Jongdae said, looking at me with a serious expression.

I thought about the secrets of my family that I've been hiding from him. Soeun is right. I am the daughter of Lee Sooman and Lee Company is a well-known company in South Korea. It isn't an embarrassing thing but I never tell anyone just because my hates towards him.

I hesitated for a while, and then said, "Okay."

He then smiled widely and leaned down to kiss me. I closed my eyes and responded to his gentle kiss.

I Should've Love You Like I'm Gonna Lose You [EXO Chen Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now