Thunderstorm Lovers

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What should I say? My day was not the best. But as I was sitting on my bed, ready to go to sleep and end the day at last, my phone vibrated loudly.

Gee~: Hey, are u sleeping?
Me: Nop, couldn't to be honest. What's up?
Gee~: wanna come over?
Gee~: frank, Mikey an Ray are there 2
Me: sure, why not ^^
Gee~: great, see ya :)

I put my phone down, standing up. The mirror showed me that my make up was still where it should be, so I just got rid of my sleeping clothes, putting on what I could grab without really looking. A pair of black jeans, an old nirvana shirt. My converse on, and my coat grabbed to keep me warm in my way, I could start to make my way over to him. It was cold, since it was a night without any clouds blocking the sight of the stars. I got a little lost in them, as I looked up. But the harsh wind made me grab my coat to wrap it around my already shivering form. I was pretty small, and my amount of body fat was a joke to nature, so I literally always felt cold. Okay, not always, since Gerard would always try to keep me warm. Standing outside of his kinda shitty apartment, I looked up again. That was when a rain drop hit me literally between my eyes, like to tell me to go inside already.
I could hear them laughing, Gerard's laugh standing out the most. It made me smile, as I walked to the front door to knock. Shortly after that I heard someone whistling and a 'shut the fuck up' from inside, which made me grin, because I knew the voice. When the door opened, I greeted Gee by hugging him. I didn't quite realize that maybe this was what I needed. He seemed to tense up, I never was this affectionate, but soon he closed the door and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, 's everything alright?" I just nodded. Yeah. Right now everything was alright. "Just... Ah no, forget it." I shook my head, deciding against talking about shitty days and feelings. Even though I knew he knew something was up. And he wanted to say something, but Frank cut him off by yelling something I couldnt quite make out. But it had to be something funny, or dirty, because Gee's facial expression changed into a smirk as he looked at me, before turning to franks' direction and yelling "Yeah, Fuck off dude!"

We parted, slightly against our will, but I took off my coat to just throw it in a corner next to the door where all the other ones already were. I greeted everyone in the living room without Gerard, since he was making me coffee. Sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself. "Long time no see Y/N! Where have you've been hiding?" I laughed with frank as he asked me this. I sat on the armrest of the couch they were sitting on. "Work, It's always work. My apartment doesn't pay itself, sadly." I gave them all an apologetic look. Back in the past we hung out a lot, but since I got that new job we barely saw each other. It hurt me, but just as I said, what needs to be done has to be done. "What's going on, it's so quiet" Gerard said as he came into the small living room with a steaming mug. I took it with a thanks, my hands practically hugging it to consume the warmth radiating from it. I took a sip and set the mug down on the table in front of the couch, which was like playing Tetris, since the whole table was covered in empty beer and soda cans, and snacks. But I somehow got it. Gerard noticed me sitting strangely on the armrest, since the couch was pretty small. Only Gerard, Ray, and Mikey had enough place to sit, so there was no way I could fit there. I smiled at him, my way of telling him 'it fine with me' but he shook his head and patted his lap with both of his hands, which looked funny to be honest. I got a little red, but did as he told. As soon as I had placed myself on his lap, frank wiggled his eyebrows, to what I stuck my tongue out. Everyone laughed, and I did too. The film went on, and I didn't bothered to ask what film it was. We talked and laughed about the crappy acting and some weird or funny quotes, and eventually, when my coffee mug was empty and the film ended, everyone decided to go home. I waved them goodbye from my place on the couch as they stood at the door, Gerard laughing and shaking his head at my slightly childish behavior.

When I heard the door closing, I looked over the couch again, seeing a smiling Gerard making his way over to me. As he sat down again, we both had our space, but he only giggled at me, repeating his actions from earlier. I laughed too, an we both say silently, me again in his slight embrace, watching some midnight talk show. I shuffled slightly, scared to slip off, when Gerard took his arms around my waist, securing me safely. I felt secure, loved even, if I wouldn't know it better. No, he was a great friend, I was a great friend, that's it. Friends cuddle, don't they? As the show on the tv went on, I felt something I've didn't for a pretty long time. I felt incredibly sleepy. So my head was placing itself subconsciously next to his, resting itself on his shoulder. I could feel him smile, and the well-known redness made its way back onto my cheeks as he placed a small kiss into my head, resting his slightly on mine. I sighed, my eyes became heavy, and I nearly fell asleep, when a blinding light woke us both up. A growling sound was able to be heard, an soon, we could see and hear the rain on the Windows. I began giggling, thinking about how we must've looked. "What's so funny?" Gerard asked, chuckling too. "We literally watched a crappy horror movie, but both got jumpscared by a strike of lightning and some thunder." We laughed together, until I yawned. Hey, uhm.. You wanna stay here? The storm's pretty bad, so.." I smiled up at him, my face only inches away from his. "Sure, the couch is pretty comfy without 5 people on it" he giggled, but shook his head. "I know what you're talking about, and you're taking the bed, in not letting you sleep on this crappy couch." I laughed. "I appreciate you being the gentleman you always are to me, but I'm not stealing your bed Mister." He frowned slightly, which made me smile. "I don't have a problem sleeping in your bed with you too. So we don't actually need to have that problem, if you're fine with it too." I said, giggling at his facial expression. Now he was slightly getting red. "No, no I don't have a problem, why would I?" But as we looked into each other's eyes, he smiled a more sincere smile, as he leaned in. Our lips touched in a kiss that couldn't really be described. It wasn't rough, wasn't lustful. It was a soft and kind one, our lips dancing in a perfect rhythm. He smiled as we parted, and he knew that this wasn't something to feel regret for. "To be honest, frank thought we would hook up tonight. But if you don't mind, right now I want to cuddle the shit out of you." I giggled, and smiled. "Go ahead, but don't cuddle me to death, I wanna live with you as long as I can." He smiled that huge smile that lit up my day every time I saw it, and suddenly he picked me up, setting me down in his bedroom. I took off my jeans and quickly, as he went back to turn off the tv and the lights in the other rooms, I opened his closet and changed into a shirt and some shorts of him, even though it hung loosely on my small figure. It still covered me, and I felt extremely happy. I closed the closet and crawled under the sheets of his bed, when I heard him shutting the door of his bedroom, and changing as well. Soon I felt him lay down next to me, his arms crawling around my form, holding me as close to him as possible. My head rested on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. I smiled brightly, hugging him even tighter. "I love you Gee." He tensed, sitting up. Oh god, have I said something wrong? Oh Jesus I have, didn't I? I slowly sat up as well, my head hung low. "Uhm.. I'm sorry, I just-" "No, no, Its not like that I mean-" He rambled, but slowly his hands found they're way to mine, holding them as if they were something horribly fragile. After a small moment of silence, he spoke again. "Look at me.. hey, Y/N, look at me.." I slowly looked up, and I was greeted by something I've never seen before.

He smiled one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen. His gaze was shy even, shifting from me to places all around the dark room around. He then placed a kiss on top of my head, chuckling, and suddenly he practically tackled me down, hugging me tight. I laughed, this time he was the one being childish as hell. Ironic, considering the fact that he had been laughing at me not even half an hour ago. "I just.. I'm sorry, I scared you didn't I?" I nodded. "I just.. I mean yeah we kissed and all, but sometimes that doesn't automatically mean you're a thing with someone, you know?" I giggled. Yeah, I experienced that once. And I guess he had, too. "I love you. I really do." Now it was my heart that was practically jumping out of my chest. "I love you too, you dork." He playfully tickled me. "Sorry, sorry!" He giggled. "Apology accepted." And after a while, we both fell asleep to the music of the raging thunderstorm outside.

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