Take me home, my Dear

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Gerard way. Everyone knew him as the punk with anger issues and as the queen of sass. Everyone except me. I knew him as the coffee loving, flirting guy that loved cats and art. Many people looked at me weirdly whenever I told them he was my favorite costumer. What can I say? He was friendly, even if he had a short temper. I saw him knock someone out before, and seeing him with bruises or cuts wasn't something that happened only once.
I heard the small bell over the door ring, telling me I had a costumer. I looked over my shoulder, smiling at his figure. He waved, making his way up to me, sitting down at the counter. "Hi there, how can I help you today?" I greeted him. He chuckled. "You already did sugar. But how about the regular thing?" I chuckled, blushing slightly. I made him his order, a big coffee. No sugar, no cream. Just plain black liquid gold. "So, how are you today?" I said as I worked on his order, not looking at him. "Pretty shitty day, but feeling better just by looking at ya." I could hear his smirk, and as I looked at the shiny metal that made itself used as a mirror for me, I could see him staring at me almost dreaming. His head rested in his hand, the other one just laying on the counter. I smiled. "Glad I'm making your day a better one Gerard." He chuckled. "Fi-na-lly you're calling me by my freaking name. Thought you gonna pull of this 'sir' shit again. Not that I'm complaining." He wiggled his eyebrows and I just laughed. "There you go." I gave him his mug, setting it down in front of him. "Thank you sweetheart." I rolled my eyes, but instead of retreating as usual, I pulled out a chair, and sat down in front of him. I rested my head on my arms, sighing. God was I tired. He was always there late, so no one was there except us both. I enjoyed the silence for a minute, until I felt a hand brush through my hair. I knew it was him, so I didn't move, it actually calmed me. "If you keep doing that in gonna sleep in." I said, voice muffled by my arm. I looked up sleepily, and was met with his soft gaze. "Well we don't want that, do we?" He retreated his hand, sipping his coffee. I yawned and covered my mouth with my hand, as I stood up. As soon as he would be gone, I could go to sleep in the back room. "Maybe I take you home if that doesn't creep you out? You seem pretty wrecked." He said casually. You panicked slightly. "No, I mean no, it doesn't creep me out, at all, but uhm, I'll be fine, really." He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "Nah, don't wanna hear that you got raped or some shit." I tried talking him out of it. "No, I mean, not that anyone would  do that, but really it's-" suddenly his cup met the counter- hard. I yelped, looking at him with wide eyes. His gaze was dark. "Now first of all, I don't wanna hear this shit from you because you're breathtakingly fucking pretty okay?" I nodded, blushing. "And second, I. Am. Taking. You. Home. What's so bad about that? Just wanna be nice, what's the big deal?" My head hung low, and I sighed. "I am home." I said silently. He looked confused. "What?" "I am home, okay? My boss is letting me sleep in one of the back rooms. I'm pretty much homeless." I thought he was gonna laugh. Gonna go home alone. But he did nothing like that. "Jeez, now that's something I didn't see comin' ". He sighed, running a hand through his black hair. "Well this may sound weird as shit, and my home isn't really a pretty-ass castle or something like that, but you can stay with me, if you want.?" Did I just saw that right? Is the Gerard way sitting in front of me blushing? I smiled a small smile, shaking my head. "No, I don't wanna be a burden-" he suddenly caught me off, sitting up. "You're not!" His eyes held a shyness to them, and suddenly he blushed, backing away a little bit, since he was so close to me. "I mean- I mean if it's okay.. I just wanna keep you safe y'know." He scratches the back of his head. I smiled, deciding. "Okay. I just gonna grab my bag, if that's okay?" He smiled suddenly. "Yeah, of course."
That was months ago. I'm living with him, pretty much. We sometimes watch movies or drink something together. I developed a pretty huge crush on the sassy punk, but tried to shake it off. He didn't think of me that way, did he? I was nearly asleep on the couch, as I heard the door open. "Y/N, I've got some-" he stopped in his tracks, seemed to think I'm already asleep, so I decided to put on my best pokerface and keep him believing I am. I heard him close the door quietly, and something rustling, probably grocery bags. I heard his footsteps coming up so me, and his leather jacket slightly squeak as he seemed to be in front of me. I felt him brush some hair out of my face, careful even. A sigh was heard as his fingers traced my cheek, his thumb tracing circles on it. "How the fuck are you so beautiful.. Jeez." I tried my best not to smile, but it was hard not to, with him being so adorable. I shuffled slightly, but just made it seem as if I'm still asleep. "Hell stop being so adorable, Jesus Christ." He chuckled softly and silent, careful not to wake me- not knowing I already am. "God I love you." My heart stopped. Did I just heard that right? He.. What? I heard him standing up, and suddenly I was in his arms, bridal style. I always refused to sleep in his bed, I didn't want to take it from him. He tried to lay me down gently, but tripped suddenly, nearly falling on top of me. He froze when he saw that my eyes were open. "Oh god I'm so sorry, you probably think I'm a total frea-" I just started laughing, I couldn't contain it anymore. Tears nearly spilled as I tried to calm myself. "I'm- im so sorry but- your face-" my laughter died down when he chuckled. Suddenly I was aware of the situation we were in. I was laying under him. On his bed. I turned bright red. "Well well there's that blush I've missed. You didn't sleep did you?" I nodded, unable to speak. "Then you know how I feel about you. How fucking frustrated you make me." I swallowed, as the distance was getting smaller. His lips were next to my ear as he whispered. "How dare you make me feel this weak y/n." I closed my eyes, my body shivering- but not in a bad way. "So tell me y/n.." He said, his hand hovering over my side, making its way downwards. "How do you think about me? How do you feel about me, huh.?" I was trying to calm myself, again. But my voice was a joke. "You- you are really dominant. Pretty aggressive, al-always getting what you- what you want. You.. You have a weird sense of- humor and are basically what my parents always said is a bad man." He sighed after some seconds, starting to back away. But he stopped at my next words, eyes wide. "But I love the way you smile when I get one of your stupid jokes." I was more calm now. "I love how artistic you are. I love how nice you are to me when you're a total bitch to every other person. I love-... I love you. Even if you're a bad man." He looked at me, suddenly smirking. His lips met mine, passionate, even a bit aggressive- just like he was. My arms snaked themselves around his neck, shy, but I was getting a little more confident. He chuckled. "So.." He said, his voice low, his gaze scanning my figure. "Tell me I'm a bad man, y/n. Tell me I'm a bad, bad man."

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