No surprises

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You were lonely. Terribly lonely. But you chose things to be that way.

He was lonely. He hated it. But he chose things to be that way.

When he saw you sitting alone in the slight rain, he couldn't help but stare. How your jacket was darker on your shoulders due to the wetness the rain had made, but it didn't seem to bother you. You were watching the cars pass by a little farther away, and your eyes were shiny. He couldn't quite make out your hair color, but he was more interested in your facial features he couldn't see. But the side of your face seemed already almost angelic to you, and he wasn't able to imagine the full view. You seemed tired, as if you were fighting something that was way too huge for you. He actually knew what it was like. These feelings weren't something new or unknown for him. But he was never a man to just go and talk to someone, let alone such a beautiful creature like you. So he stared. Watched. Silent.

Suddenly the rain started to change, and he saw that you noticed too. You slowly turned your hands towards the soft small and white drops of frozen water that started to mix themselves between the small raindrops. Many more followed, and suddenly the cold rain was gone, leaving nothing but soft white flakes to cover your dark jacket. He saw you smile a little, a fragile yet hypnotising smile. You stood up slowly, catching some of the small stars in your black fingerless gloves, watching them dissapear slowly due to the fact that your hands were cold. A soft smile placed itself on his lips, and he didn't fight it back. "Gerard where'd you- dude what's that face for huh?" Frank sat beside him, but gerard wouldn't look away, not daring to lose a second of the view in front of him. "Damn, fell in love there?" Now gerard chuckled a little, smiling, but not fighting it. He usually never got crushes on people. He thought that at least. "Talk to her." He shook his head fast at that, trying not to show his Red cheeks. "Why not? God I'm ending this tragedy right now. Hey- Hey you there! Pretty girl! Yes you!" Gerard looked like he was about to be killed, trying to shut his smaller band mate up. But no, it was too late. You already looked around,your eyes meeting his. God damn. He tried to imagine what it would look like. But you looked like an angel, as cheesy as it sounded. You walked towards him, and he smiled a little hesitant. "Yes?" You asked softly, and he melted at the sound of your voice on the spot. So warm and friendly, yet a little bit quiet. "I'm leaving you both." Frank whispered something that sounded like 'don't fuck up' in his friends ear, leaving him wondering why he was even befriended with him in the first place. "I uh.. I'm.. Gerard. Gerard way." He held out his hand and you chuckled a bit. "Y/N. Nice to meet you." He smiled, relieved that you weren't freaked out by him. You sat down next to him, and he noticed the white flakes in your hair, making it sparkle. "You... you're really pretty!" He spoke suddenly, blushing. You were slightly taken aback by that, but blushed too. "T-thank you.."

And even though it started awkward, it ended with a family everyone would die for to have.
He stopped being lonely. His friend helped him with that.
You stopped being lonely. Fate helped you with that.

Gerard way ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now