What'ya want from me?

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"Hey." She didn't even look up from the counter she was cleaning, but her smile showed that she knew by the voice who it was. "What'ya want?" She said, and looked up when he didn't reply. She saw him sitting down on a chair she had put on the table just minutes ago so the cleaning staff wouldn't have it so hard tomorrow morning. He seemed deep in thought. "Dunno." She raised an eyebrow, and made two paper cups of coffee, since she'd cleaned every mug already. The small coffee shop was already closed, but she would always let him in until she would go home. But usually, the punk was way more talk-active. She took another chair down from the table and placed one of the cups in front of him while she sat down. He mumbled a 'thanks' and took a sip. She began to tilt her head slightly, and he huffed at that. "Stop that." He said with a small smile. "What?" She asked, oblivious to what he meant, tilting her head even more. "That." She giggled, still not knowing. "You're gonna get arrested for being so goddamn fuckin' cute." She blushed and laughed, taking a sip from her coffee. She and her shop really didn't fit in the town. She; cheery, happy, a small ray of sunshine. And the town? Hopeless, torn, and overall ugly. Still, she staid. "So." She started, looking at him. He only stared at her silver stud in her left ear, one of the many she had. The only piercings she had, and it fit her nicely, he thought. "Gee?" She waved her Hand in front of him, waking him up from his daydream. "What?" She giggled again. Oh how he loved that sound. The hairs on his back stood up at the thought of her voice. "You've been staring. What's wrong?" He leaned back, the leather of what his torn jacket was made of squeaking slightly. "Don't fucking know. May move away." Her look changed a bit, and her voice sounded bitter. "Oh." A small moment of silence was between them, until she softly said, "but you'll visit me from time to time yeah?" He looked at her. "That's it?" It was way angrier than he intended to let it sound, so she slightly flinched. "Sorry, fuck.. Just.. Ah god damnit. Just wanted to see how'ya react and shit." She looked at him. "So you lied." He nodded. "Why?" She asked again. "Why would you want to know how I'd react?" He groaned, frustrated. "Because I've got a fucking crush on ya. Feel like a freaking high school teenager." She just sat there, blinking some times. He.. Did he really just say that? "Oh.." was all she could get out. "Yeah. Oh." She stated at nothing for a moment, when be stood up. But before he could go outside, she grabbed his hand, not letting him leave. "So uh- would- ah no that's not how I wanted to say it.." She groaned, and breathed in a deep breath. "Slow down sugar and take your time." He said, turning around and gently brushing his thumb over the back of her hand. "You've got time tomorrow?" She said a little quietly. He nodded. "Course. Won't stop comin around-" "For a Date I mean!" She blurted out, and he was quite taken back by her small outburst. He studied her for a second. Cheeks bright red, eyes wide open. She looked so innocent. He smiled, his mischievous grin, before he cupped her chin to place his lips on hers for a short, way too short for him, kiss. He turned around and opened the door, but not before turning around again, and winking at her. "Always got time for a date with a queen."

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