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Neither of us ever knew what would happen during the days we spend. Over and over again we fought and searched, killed and saved, buried and found things and people. Sometimes I still wonder if he can remember the past. The days when everything was fine. The days that were long ago. Once upon a time. Days filled with stories that sounded more like fairy tails than real memories now.
The sheets suddenly started to shift, a body was softly turning. He was awake. "Y/n.?" His voice was still drenched in sleep, scratchy and with a small crack in the middle of my name. I just hummed a response, too occupied with my own thoughts. "It's in the fucking middle of the night.. What's wrong..?" Yes, it was dark outside. The Stars were shining brightly, as if they wanted to win a battle with the sun. And I was sitting there, watching them. "Nothin'." He sat up now, he clearly wasn't satisfied with my answer. His hand softly found its way to cup my cheek, his thumb caressing my soft skin. I didn't notice the tears that suddenly made my vision blur. "Hey..shhh, c'mere.." I was silent. I wasn't sobbing or bawling. I didn't make a sound at all. I just cried. Letting it all out. "It's okay.. Shh.." He rocked me with his body, gently from side to side as if waves made him move. "What if it's all for nothing?"

He parted, and held my face in his hands. "It'll never be." I cracked a broken giggle out. "How can you say that.?" I spoke softly. How could he be so sure of it? How could he be so positive? "Because I'm always fighting for you." I say there, shocked. "And it's never for nothing if it's for you." The tears flew again, streamed down my cheeks, and I started to smile weakly. "Okay." I said softly. "Okay."
As I laid there again, under the stars, there was no such comfort. I was freezing, shivering. Hoping. My leg was bleeding badly, and I was long forgotten by the dracs that shot me, believing I would bleed to death anyways. Well, actually, I'm starting to think that too.
A roaring sound was being heard in the distance, and I knew the dracs probably came back to pick my body up. Sorry ladies, I'm not done yet.
But the footsteps weren't calm at all, they were completely out of any rhythm. They were fast. Who was there?
I couldn't hear a thing. It was so quiet, het I could make out a very faint yelling. Kind of. I was touched in a very soft way, almost hesitant. As I was picked up, I thought I wa flying. I didn't knew where I was going. But the familiar scent made me fall asleep.
I was slowly waking up, when jet was about to wrap my leg up again. "Welcome back." He said relieved. He finished his business and walked out, without a word. After some seconds I could hear something break, and fast footsteps on their way to me. Party was standing in the doorway, panting, but smiling once he saw that I was awake. I smiled too, and hugged him. "I'm so glad you kept fighting.." I smiled at that, and hugged him tighter. "I'll always fight if it's for you."

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