Chapter 1

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Hey!! ^_^ This is my first story ever. This is kinda based on a true story, some parts. And the rest of it is just my imagination running wild. XD I'm not sure if this'll turn out to be a long or short story, and the beginning may be boring, but I'd appreciate it if you'd read this... >.< So thanks for those of you who are reading this!

Well, here goes... *Nervous* Enjoy!


Chapter 1

I was walking around the washroom, as I usually do when I duty there. As a prefect, I did my best at my job. I was suppose to tell boys to tuck in their shirt and girls to fold in theirs.

I've been going around the place for quite some time, telling boys to tuck in their shirt. Girls were less problematic.

Sometimes there were stubborn boys who refuse to listen and I have to repeat it over and over again till they finally obey me.

As I made my way around the place, there was another group of boys who had their shirts untucked. I walked over to them, repeating the same thing to them I said to the others.

"Excuse me, please tuck in your shirt." I said politely. Prefects were suppose to be polite even if they're dealing with troublesome students who refused to listen to them. I guess being a prefect requires one to be patient.

As I said that to one of the boys, another guy next to him suddenly asked me, "Do I still have to tuck in my shirt if I said you're pretty?" He looked familiar but I couldn't seem to remember him.

I realized his shirt was already tucked in. I nodded and replied, "You still have to tuck in your shirt." I tried to keep a straight face as I said that. No boy has ever called me pretty before and I fought the urge to smile. I hoped I wasn't blushing.

"Even if I said you're pretty?" A smile plastered on that guy's face.

I refused to believe that he meant what he said and chose to think he was just teasing me. I repeated my words firmly, still not smiling, "You still have to tuck in your shirt."

"What if I said you're beautiful?" A smirk tugged at his lips. I was starting to get a little annoyed and felt like slapping the smirk off his pretty face. But if I had to be honest with myself, I was kinda happy too.

'Damn, this guy's annoying!' I thought.

"Just tuck in your shirt." I tried not to swear or I'll get myself in trouble with my Leader. Leaders are also prefects but instead of being normal prefects, they instruct other prefects, tell them where to go and what to do. They're our leaders.

"But I've already tucked in my shirt." he replied.

'Then why'd you ask me if you have to tuck in your shirt? Idiot...' I said in my mind. He watched me as I walked away from him.

I wondered whether or not he was just teasing me. But then I chose to believe he was just teasing. I had friends who were often teased by boys. But it was the first time I've been teased by one.

I continued my duty, walking around, searching for students who didn't tuck in their shirt. And I saw that boy again, at the same place he was a while ago. Again I had to tell his friends to tuck in their shirts. I felt his gaze on me and felt a little uncomfortable but just ignored it.

As I walked pass him, he asked, "Doesn't your duty requires you to smile?"

"No." I replied coldly without smiling.

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