stay away

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I heard a crash of waves and a smile formed on my lips. I inched closer to the warmth, snuggling to the pillow. There was too much light around. A frown formed on my face as I moved my hands blindly.

Why did my pillow have abs?

A shadow blocked out the light and my face relaxed. Before I could give in to sleep, something rough landed on my body and I bolted up. My eyes were wide open as I looked around, dusting myself.

Sand. Freaking sand.

"What the hell Damien!!" I shrieked as I looked at the handsome monkey who was blocking the sunlight. Alex was still pretty much snoring next to me.

"Good morning to you too." He smirked and started walking away. I was beyond furious. Getting up, I stomped towards him and grabbed his shoulder to turn him. His annoyed gaze met mine.

"What the hell is your problem?" I yelled clutching his jacket.

"Just a little payback for last night, you can say." he smirked putting his hands on mine but I held tighter.

"You already threw me into the water for that. Why did you do this?" I shook him. my hands itched to punch him in the nose.

"Get your hands off me minion! Cant you take a light joke." he said shrugging me off as he turned around and started walking.

"Your sense of humour sucks. I am sure you simply like torturing innocent girls." I screeched throwing sand at his back.

"I am sure you wouldn't have minded if your loverboy played a little prank on you." he hissed as his angry eyes devoured me. My hands froze as I looked at him confused.

"This is about Alex?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't care about you and your boyfriends." He muttered as he turned around again. fury shot through me.

What does he mean boyfriends?

I pulled at his jacket again this time managing to turn him around. He stumbled but righted himself.

"What kind of a girl do you think I am? I go around dating and dumping guys as I please? You should be ashamed of your thinking. Its okay if you hate me but you have no right to judge me. You know nothing about me." I yelled at his face.

My hands were shaking from all the anger and hurt. His expression changed at my outburst, I could see guilt in his eyes but I refused to soften now. My anger was beyond control and I wanted to hit something real bad. Letting my feet carry me away I walked the distance opposite to where my friends were waiting.

The lack of sleep and tiredness were surely responsible for my outburst but Damien just knew how to push my buttons. Atleast I thought it was all friendly but no, his opinion about me left no room for friendliness. it cracked something in my heart.

Suddenly I felt exhausted and my feet wobbled beneath me. My ears started ringing and my vision blurred. Panic coursed through my veins. I knew what was happening. Swiftly,I turned around to call for my friends and I saw Damien a few steps back looking right at me. His eyes looked sad. But his expression changed as he took in my face, his eyes alert now.I stumbled forward trying to speak and two strong arms caught me just before I blacked out.


"Shut up! All of you!" I yelled and hammered my fist on my forehead to stop the throbbing.

"Honey, just go to sleep." Annette said as she tucked the blanket around me with worry brimming her eyes.

"I am fine Anne and it is nobody's fault." I shot a glare at Pheobe who had been yelling at Damien. He simply stood with a blank face as he keenly stared at my bookshelf.

"You. have a fever. Its not fine." Alex said entering into my room and held out a bunch of lilies for me. A soft blush caressed my cheeks at his sweet gesture and I took them, thanking him.

"So....we will just let you rest. Take care Eliza. Alex, Do you want to stay?" Riven asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What? no no she needs rest. Get well soon clumsy." he waved as he turned to leave.

"And i need to cover your shift." Annette said biting her lip. i knew she was looking for an option to stay.

"Its okay. go ahead. i can take care of myself."

"You sure? i can stay." She acted like my mum at times.

"I'll be fine. Just go. You are doing me a favour by covering my shift." i said and she nodded. she kissed Damien goodbye saying something about taking care of me which made me huff. Pheobe blew me a kiss and slammed her shoulder into Damien's while walking off. He rolled his eyes and a giggle escaped my lips. It was enough to make his eyes snap to mine. Hastily I pulled the blanket over my face and turned away to avoid any confrontation with him.

"I almost had a heart attack when you fainted." he spoke softly but I refused to turn.

"It was stupid, I knew you are sensitive. I shouldn't have thrown you into the water that too in the middle of the night." my heart fluttered every time he remembered something but I stayed adamant. A sigh escaped his lips and I felt the bed dip behind me. My body was on high alert as I felt his hand on my shoulder pulling me towards him.

"What are you doing?" I snapped getting out of bed. I wavered with headrush and slumped against the wardrobe blinking to clear my vision. Two warm hands pulled me to bed again and tucked a blanket around me. I opened my eyes to see Damien's staring right into mine.

"You need to stop acting like a retard." he said softly which was meant as a joke but I wasn't in a mood to talk to him.

"You need to stay away from me." I hissed and turned my back to him. My heart almost broke at the sadness that covered his expression for a few seconds.

"Fine." his voice was eerily calm and I heard footsteps and then shutting of the door. I blinked back tears willing myself to sleep.

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