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Three words.. they change your life forever. For good or for bad.

Three words, they can hurt you so much yet leave you numb at the same time.

Sometimes you just simply don't care and sometimes it shatters your world. For me? I couldn't exactly point out what I was feeling when I saw the words.

Yes. Saw them.

Flashing brightly on my phone's screen, mocking me. Those three words i'd never forget.

'I don't care, Goodbye.'

Okay those are four words. But give this girl some credit. I am trying to be dramatic here. I stared at the screen contemplating my reply.

We had been friends for almost a year. I knew this day would come, it bugged me all along somewhere in the back of my mind. How long do such friendships last? Ofcourse he would leave. I am boring, a nerd. But then what about all those chats? All those late night and early morning conversations. The silly texts and snarky comments. He brought out a part of me, I never really knew I had. I typed with shaky hands.


I hit the send and waited for a reply. Something told me I wouldn't like it. He had always been defensive, a tad bit rude. I knew his comments could seriously hurt a person. But somewhere I felt he cared in his own way.

I gritted my teeth as doubts clouded my mind. Was all this a lie? Fake? How would I know if he actually cared? My phone buzzed in my hand and I opened the text quickly. My heart sunk as I read.

'You are boring. Now stop texting me. I am deleting your number.'

Ouch! that hurt.

Anger filled my veins as I typed a reply furiously. This all seemed very silly. Why would I care about him so much? I knew this would happen someday then why was I arguing?

'What happened to "I am there for you forever." and "Be with me, I will never leave you!" ?'

His reply was quick.

'I don't care! Just stop annoying me.'

So that's how my friendship ended with Damien Arthur Payne.

Not exactly, because I tried talking to him and he texted me back after a few days but that's all. I got tired of thinking and his games and finally said the goodbye that I hated so much. I almost cried, yes ALMOST. But It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

I had met him on a social networking site and he lived in a town just six hours away from mine. This sounds silly but I had never met him and now I never will.

We had just clicked like two puzzle pieces. I would definitely miss talking to him. He was my escape from the reality.

But now He was just a bestfriend I never knew....

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