Ch. 6- A Fleeting Moment

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~{A/N:}~ Instead of repeating the same thing every time lol from here and out my dear friend Sarah is my chief editor.

~{A/N:}~ Instead of repeating the same thing every time lol from here and out my dear friend Sarah is my chief editor

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It continued to rain throughout the entire weekend and into the weekdays too. I enjoyed it at first but after a while, it felt like it was merely feeding into my sadness. I bit my lip and got out of bed. I had to get to class in an hour. I pulled on my uniform robes, hurried past the common room and headed straight to the dining hall. There was not that many people, so I assumed those who weren't there, were sleeping in. I looked down the Slytherin table to see Draco slowly eating his breakfast. I inhaled sharply, grabbed my school bag and headed back out the door.

The image of the other day was still implanted in the frontal lobe of my memory and that was enough to make me to lose my appetite. I started walking towards the Potions classroom in the dungeons, despite how early it still was. My dad look concerned as he saw me walk into the classroom.

"Athena, my darling, what are you doing here so early?"

I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Don't worry dad, I'm okay. I just wanted to spend some time with you before class."

I put on my best smile and sat down next to him. "What's on the class agenda today?"

Dad smiled at me and pushed a stray hair behind my ear.

"We're going to be learning how to brew a quality Polyjuice Potion."

"Didn't you teach me a little about this already?"

"I sure did sweetheart."

I smiled at him, remembering all the memories of our muggle home. It would be dad, mum, and me in the basement. Dad would be teaching me various things about the different liquids that I know as potions now. I sighed and looked in my dad's direction. He had a pained expression on his face.

"I miss her too dad. We'll see her soon remember? Holiday break is coming. It'll be here before we know it."

He smiled at me and we embraced in a reassuring hug.

"I know it's tough dad but we have each other until then."

I put on my best smile and kissed his cheek. The first warning bells went off and I went to my seat. Hopefully this class goes by fast. I don't want to spend any more time with Draco than I need to.

I realized I could have switched seats before class began, but I was sure at this point dad would have written our names in our current seats. I mean, I could always ask dad if he would switch my seat but Draco doesn't know what I witnessed the other day. I sure as hell don't want him to know either. I took a deep breath and tried to gather myself. More of my classmates began to pile in. The last warning bell went off as Draco took his seat next to me.

The moment Draco sit down in his chair, I felt my mood change instantly. I didn't want to be around him, even though I had no right to feel that way. He doesn't belong to me, he never did, but I was still raging over what I saw last weekend. My father started teaching but all of my thoughts wouldn't let me concentrate on the subject. Every time I tried, all I could think about was Draco. Well, more of what I had seen Draco doing. I heard someone whisper my name but I was too distracted to catch up on who it was. I heard the whisper again and I realized it was Draco trying to get my attention.

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