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My name is Athena and I'm 16 years old. It's my 6th year here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'm the daughter of Persephone and Severus Snape. I'm an artist, I enjoy drawing and writing. My favorite place at Hogwarts is the Astronomy Tower, library, or my dorm room. My favorite flowers are orchids and Lilies. I am a half blood in status. I was quite young when I realized I was a witch. My powers started manifesting the most as I neared my pre-teen years. I used to peg my powers off as coincidences but my mother always told me there was none and that there's always a reason for everything. In my youth, I was always seen as the weird, recluse child. I heard the neighbourhood parents discussing how unnatural it was that I preferred reading over playing outside. I got picked on many times on several occasions. Looking back at it now, everything makes more sense. One time I was at the park with my mum and these kids called my dad a greaseball or something that I can't quite remember, but it set me off enough and I ended up making one of the kids fall off the swing without realizing how. Next thing you know the kids were running in the other direction, screaming. After that encounter, we went home and my mum snuck off into the basement for a few minutes. I've only been down there a few times in my childhood. Most of the times I was watching my dad work with these weird liquids, which I know as potions now. He even taught me how to concoct some of them without any real explanation why.
I remember tiptoeing to the door and overhearing my mom speaking. I remember the conversation clearly and I remember hearing my father's voice.

"Severus, it's time to tell her."

"I know Seph, but she's so young. How did her powers start manifesting this soon?"

"One of those little gits called you a name and it set her powers spiraling and last time I checked she was going to be a teenager soon. You need to come home Severus. I want her to hear it from you. I want her to know the truth about why you're always gone while she's attending grammar school. It's time." I heard my dad sigh.

"I'll be there tomorrow after my classes are dismissed for the day."

"Okay. You might as well bring her letter too. Don't forget to let Dumbledore know." My mum said.

"I will. I'm going back to bed. I love you Seph."

"I love you too Sev."

That particular memory is one I remember as clear as a summer day. The day after that my father showed up and when I was embracing him he told me everything. He told me I was a witch and then repeated the same thing my mum always told me; there are no coincidences, everything happens for a reason. Then he gave me my Hogwarts letter with a supply list and that was that. To protect me however, my dad registered me under my mom's maiden name instead of his last name. Dumbledore was the one who suggested that. After explaining to me that I'm going to still have my given first and middle name, and just my last name will be different, both of my parents took me to Diagon Alley to help with supply shopping. After all that was said and done dad and I took off to Hogwarts and I got sorted into the house of Slytherin.

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