Chapter 3

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Sorry friends! I know I have been behaving like a jerk, not updating on time. Actually I am too occupied into something these days that's taking up majority of my time. Those of you following me on snapchat would find out what it is next week. Will try to be more regular.


Recap: Parth and Niti's fight due to Parth leaving the show. He called Niti in a drunk state and expressed his love.

It had been 45 minutes since Niti had received the call from Parth saying 'I Love You' to her. She was in grave shock on receiving such a call suddenly after so many days but did not dare call him back. She badly wanted an explanation, she wanted to talk to him, to ask him again if he still loved her, if he wanted to sort things out, but her guts did not support her in the task.

Since she heard Parth say those three magical words to her after so many days which seemed like ages, she had been constantly reliving the horrible memories she had had with him just before he left for Pune after wrapping up his shoot. Those, she believed were memories with him that were worse than the time they did not get along well when they first met.

She finally gathered the courage to dial his number. The first time, she disconnected the call just after the first ring out of anxiety, hoping he wouldn't call back. 5 minutes later, she again dialed it and let it ring this time. Somewhere towards the end, she heard him speak up in a low dragged voice, "Hellooo.."

She stood there still, unable to answer, catching on to her breath. After a few seconds of silence over the phone, with Parth waiting for the person on the other end to speak up and Niti confused with what to say, she disconnected the call. While doing so, she released her breath she had been holding on to for a while and Parth heard through the silence that it was Niti. He was drunk and sleepy but that instance made him get up straight instantly. He checked the call log to confirm that it was Niti and yes it was true. She had called him. He did not remember due to the dizziness that it was him who first called her up and said 'I Love You.'

He was about to call her back when his friend came in with another drink. He denied at first but all the others forced him into it and they went on for a couple of more rounds. The extra rounds again made him pass out.

Niti was constantly pacing up and down the room thinking about Parth and his call suddenly after so many days. She badly wanted to talk to him. All her patience she had kept for so long was slipping through her tiny little fingers. she could no longer hold on to it and therefore again dialed his number.

This time since Parth was asleep, one of his friends picked up the call.

Parth's friend: (dragged voice) Helloooo...Who's this?

Niti: (confused) Hello. Can I speak to Parth please?

Parth's friend: Yeah one second. (to Parth) Hey Parth there's some girl calling you at this hour. Hey buddy! Wake up.

But Parth was fast asleep. Niti on the other hand could hear everything and could now sense the alcohol. Before his friend could again talk to Niti, she disconnected the call and switched it off to not receive any further calls. She understood the reason behind his call and his expression of love as alcohol. She knew very well how sensitive was Parth to alcohol and could therefore make out the reason behind his call.


She remembered the time when they had been celebrating the 200 episodes completion on 'Kaisi Yeh Yarriyan' and there was of course a lot of alcohol in the party. Parth had not been able to control himself just after a couple of shots. Niti had to take him home to drop him safely. She took him upstairs to his apartment and took the keys from his pocket to open the door. Parth was leaning on her with his hand around her neck and his left body weighed onto her. She opened the door after enough struggle and dragged him in.

PaNi - a story we wish were true (Season 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt