Meet the Fellowship of The Ring

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As the crowd try to be friends with you,you felt a strong tingle on you neck.You knew something or someone well had something towards you.You started to look around to find where that come from but none.But you sensed it was maybe from Arwen.Maybe. So you went back with your conversation with the folks.

Some were asking how old are you,what school did you went,what have you done during the seven years and some random facts about  yourself.Though in your mind was where the tingle came from.Whoever or whatever it is,it's not so dangerous yet you were so curious because in you're entire life,until just now.Then,you're father come among you and the crowds.

"I'm sure everyone has a good time with Dulliniel.But,I need some more time with her too after those 7 years I lost.If you'll excuse us"

Everyone simply said yes and you leave with Lord Elrond.There's another pavilion in the castle and you went there.This one was entirely different from the pavilion where they had their tea break.The floor's design was Woodland Realm mighty symbol.The pillars were designed with some swirls.Some trees and a few type of flower species was in the pavilion.In the middle,placed a tall fountain which Lord Elrond named after Arwen, 'Evening Star Fountain'.The fountain was heard to be magical as it can heal any wounds or reload any lost energy and stamina.So,Lord Elrond leads you to sit in one of the benches which were made in gold.

"We missed you so dearly,my beloved" 

"I was glad to hear that.For I missed you so much.But,I thought you never wanted me here"

You said but you're eyes were never dare to meet his's.His index finger went to your jaws and lift your face when you meet  his loving eyes.

"Forgive me for not telling you the real reason I kept you in Hogwarts for those entire 7 years.I should have told you when you're 12"

"Tell me now"

He smiled a little and take you hand.He continues to speak but while he hung his head down as you did the same.

"When you were 12,Bilbo Baggin with some troop of dwarves and Gandalf too came here.They brought a map with them.Their main 

purpose was to claim back the dwarf's home,Moria"

He paused for a while and continues

"But,turns out their unexpected journey was becoming more unexpected when they knew Bilbo Baggin had the Ring of Sauron.I knew that soon this middle-earth will be in chaos"

"And that was the time where Hogwarts offered me there"

He smiled and you both look at each other.

"Yes,you are very dearly to me,Dulliniel.Just as Arwen was to me.I can't afford to lose you.Arwen had grown and she have a heart 

for Aragon at that time.If I kept them both seperate that time,she might died.So I can't do anything for her.But you were still child. 

And so I sent you to Hogwarts hoping you will live a teenager life there as you are learning to be a wonderful wizard.Those 7 

years I purposely didn't want you to return.It took 2 years for us to make sure that the ring was exist.Once it was,the five  

years for us to fight and destroyed it.So,I believe now is the perfect timing for me to meet you again and finally introduce 

you to some of my fellow"

"So all this time you were trying to keep me away from all those circumstances??" 

"The best that I can do,my beloved child" 

"Thank you,Adar.I never thought.My friends was right.Thank you,Adar"

"I am meant for you"-Legolas ThranduillionWhere stories live. Discover now