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Third POV

In a few seconds,Robert turned into ashes.He was...death.The other Mudbloods froze and was about to retreat when the other ambushed them.Lily looks around her and knew that everything was about to be restored.Slowly,her vision becomes darker and gloomy and everything went black out.

Your Pov

You fluttered your eyes and opened them slowly.Your vision was a bit blurry at first but begins to recover slowly.You hear some voices,probably Diane and Albus.When your vision begins to clear,finally you can see your friends and some professors.

"Dia..Diane??Albus?",you called them.Their faces carved smiles of relieve and happy to see your awake.They help you to sit up properly on the bed and tell you how happy they were to see you now.Suddenly,you started to remember about Hogwarts and Mudbloods.

"Wait.What happened to the Mudbloods?Hogwarts?Wasn't it ruined?"

"The Mudbloods were frozed into a statue for all enternity",Keith replied.

"Well,everything is in peace now except that Hogwarts is now under reconstruction"

"So,how are we going to keep our semester on?",you asked curiously to know if there is solution to this matter.

"Don't worry.There's a month ahead of us.We used magics so it will be a fast construction.Till that time,we all shall rest"

"Remind us tonight Professor that we have a victory feast?"

"What?",your voice tone raised in shock to hear Mellan's statement.

"It's going to be held here in Rivendell,your homeland,Miss Elrond.Your father agreed as Hogwarts is under construction"

You begin to looka around you and just noticed you are in Rivendell.In your room.You give a plain Oh.Then,the sounds of door made a creak.When you look to where the sound come from,it was Lord Elrond,Gandalf and....Legolas.

"Okey,wizards.Let's give some time for them",Professor said and your friends starts to wave goodbye as they leave.You smiled to three men as they went beside you.

"Hello Adar",you smiled.He smiled back and sit beside you as he takes your hand.

"Dulliniel,I believe I should tell you everything about your background.Total detail"

"Adar,actually I've known who I am.My race.Lady Galadriel told me in my dreams.But,what I never know is why my parents were killed"

"They were the greatest wizards in their times.Even until they had you.But.they knew they can't save the three of you all together.Seeing something big in you,they made the biggest sacrifice"

"What is that?"

"Gunther Saga,your father.He did the biggest thing ever in his life.He passed his immuity to you.Total immunity and immortality to you.Your mother gave you her fully self shield.You meant so much to them*holds your head*"

You laid your head on his shoulder and you embraced each other.Elrond continued:

"Although you might not be my flesh and blood but you are still very beloved to me.Not only because Gunther told me to take very good care of you and be a good father on behalf of him.But also because you made me feel like I am gifted",he said with a very proud tone.

"Adar,when my father told you to take good care of me,you did it well.You are the best father.I can never ask for more.You are my father,Adar",you grip him tighter as you finished your words.

"You are so dear to him,Dulliniel.Just as Arwen is very dear to him",Gandalf added with a wide smile on his face.You turn your eyes to Legolas and saw him was who is actually thrilled and try to be patient to get near you.

"Adar,if you don't mind.Can I have a time with Legolas?I believe he has something to say to me and it's private",you ask for Father's permission.He simply nodded and smiled.Then,he signalled Gandalf to leave the room.They begin to walk to the door and Legolas was standing still at the end of your bed.His hands were tucked at his back with that gleeful smile.Again,silence surround you and you grin at him shyly.He broke the silence as he begin to approach to you beside him.You let out a little giggle:

"Does the Prince have to wait for invitation to sit beside me?",you teased him.

"I believe not so.I believe I can do much more than that",he replied with a smirk and sit beside you on the bed.His finger tuck your hair behind your ear.

"The face I missed so much is now here.Safe and sound",just as he finished his words he directly kisses you passionately.At first,that startled you but then,you let it happen and return his kiss.Slowly your arms snake through his waist and pull him closer to you while his left hand went to your back hand.The other of his hand went to your small back.When you both realised your lips,your forehead was still against each other.You breath for air.This time,you were deeply touched by all the situation that is going on now.

"Finally,everything is over now.I can be with you now,Legolas dear.Forever.I'll be yours"

You said as your eyes meet him with tears of joy.Gently,he wiped your tears with his long fingers.He pulled you to the crook of his neck.

"I'll be yours too,forever,Melanin.I believe you had feast for tonight.Don't you think you should get ready?",he remarked you about the feast.

"*sighs* I wish time could stop.But,you'll be there.Right,Love?",you questioned with curiousity as you look straight to his eyes.He carresses your hair and nodded with a smile.

"Of course.I wanted to share the joy of your return and victory too",he replied.You peck his cheek and he helps you get off the bed.

"You don't need jewels or flowers to be beautiful.Because you are very beautiful now.Even in this night gown",both of you chuckled as he made a joke.Well,it was more of a statement.

"But,I would love to see you being very beautiful tonight",he smiled and peck you on the forehead and hold your hands.

"I'll be waiting for you.Tonight.My warrior"

"Well,I'll see you there,My Prince",and so you lead him to the door and he left.You closed the door and get yourself ready.First,you went to bath.Of course.That is vital.When get out of the bathroom,you pick the best dress.

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You take it on and braid your hair and put some little flowers on it.You didn't realise time flies so fast until,the feast time is here........

"I am meant for you"-Legolas ThranduillionWhere stories live. Discover now