Hunted Wizards

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I'll come for you...I'll come to kill you...Mudbloods come for you....

the sound of cacophony surrounds her.The vision of her,her friends and some top wizards at Hogwarts.

You shall not live!


Legolas POV

That early morning,as I was having breakfast with Lord Elrond.Right at that moment,


I heard Lily was screaming hysterically.All of us rushed to her room.Lord Elrond,Me and Aragon.We barged in her room and saw her as if she was fighting someone on her bed.She was struggling and was crying so badly.

Legolas,wake her up.

Elrond said calmly but clearly he was worried.So I get on her bed and try to grab her wrist.I called her name a few times.Only then,she wakes up but she look traumatized.Immedietly,she went into my embrace.She was crying so loudly.

Shh Shh,you're having a nightmare.


Lord Elrond called her worriedly.She turn and jump to him as soon as she saw him.Lord Elrond embraced her tighter too.She was trembling and it was so clear.

You're dreaming,its okey.

Just when he said that,an owl suddenly come in and fly towards Lily.She look back and said

Nipple!How on earth did you get here??

On its claws,it holds a gem.

What's this,Nipple?Aviary gem??

She take it from him and the owl went to the bed end.She take her magic wand from her desk and said some words.Then,she throw the gem on the floor and it looks like some memories of what happened somewhere.Some people in black attire were casting spells with their wand killing children at Lily's age.

Where's the other wizard?!!!!( a women with messy hair in black dress shout)

You can't have them!(a man in robes said)

Suddenly,there's potraits of some other wizards in their robes...and the last was...LILY!Her potraits come out!!

Save yourselfs young wizard of Hogwarts!!You're our only hopeee!!


Lily was shouting while crying.She fall on her knees.Lord Elrond and I went beside her and kneel to hold her.

Adar,it wasn't a dream.I got a vision.Some of us were hunted!I need to go back to Hogwarts,my friends needs me!Allow me Adar!

Lord Elrond silenced for a while there.I was hoping he wouldn't allowed her too,but to my dissapointment.He agreed with her.It stings me.

I will allow you.Butyou must return here.In anything happens here,return with your friends.Meet me in my room later.I have something to give you dear.Legolas,help her.

Lord Elrond leave her under my care as he went to his counsil room with Aragon,I hold her and pull her to my embrace.

My Love,why?It's dangerous there.Stay.

I begged her.But she shakes her head and her hands travel slowly to my cheek.

I wish I could my love.But I must go there.My friends need me.I'll promise I'll return.

Let me Go with you!

No,No.Legolas,No.You are so dear to me.It's dangerous there.Stay here and wait for me to return,Save and Sound.Wait for me,my beloved.

I can't do anything anymore.She checkmate my words.She stand up and start to sort her clothes.I just watch her as she does that.


She called me gently,i looked at her.She was holding some clothes on her hand.

Can you close your eyes?I need to get change.

She asked sweetly and so I did.I can her the ruffles of her clothes.


So Legolas close his eyes tightly as I changed my clothes.Well,now I'm dressing like this(Picture Displayed).He still close his eyes tightly.Then,i got this naughty feeling of kissing him.So,I tip toed to him but just as our lips were about to sealed he open his eyes:

Well,suprise?(smiled sheepishly)

Melanin?What are you trying to do?

Kiss you(pushes him to the bed and on top of him)

I knew i am going to miss him very much so I started kissing him softly.Both his arms now locked my body.He seem to enjoy the kiss more.Suddenly,he rolled.That makes him on top of me.His blue eyes was so tense when he looked at me.Then,his soft velvet lips went to mine again.Now,his body is really pressed to mine.But,I loved it.My arms felt like I never want to let him go.When we ended our kiss,his breath was clearly felt on my face.

Promise me*pants* you'll return,my love?

I will,wait for me,my dear love.


Legolas POV

My love went to see her father that afternoon.I don't want to know what they're talking about.Hearing her go just hurts me enough.I was spending time with Nipple.We all gather at the garden where she will went back to Hogwarts.My heart was aching yet I don't  cry.

Return here soon,my Dulliniel

Yes,Adar.I will.

She hugged him,then Arwen then she turns to me.


she thought and we embraced each other so tightly.I wish she didn't have to go.I hold her tight as she did as well


Then she releases me and peck me.Wishing that wasn't the last kiss.Lord Elrond opens a large blue portal.Then,with Nipple,she entered it and the portal closes.


i thought.

It was such a lonely days without her.I prayed to Valar that she was safe.I called her name everyday and I flashbacked every memory we had.


Was it okey???haha i know..might sucks a bit but feel free to leave a comment!

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