Chapter Three

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I finished off my food looking at Nic as Mrs. And Mr. Brown made conversation with the four guys I still had no idea the names of.  Nic cleared her throat looking at her Mom. “Mom so when are we leaving tomorrow to drop you off at the airport to fly to Florida?” Her Mom looked at her for a minute before her face lit up.

“You need to drop us off at 6:30 sharp Nicole. I’m sure you can do that right?” She smiled as she looked at me too.

“It won’t be a problem Mrs. Brown.” I smiled at her.

“Carson what did I say you should call me?” She said sternly.

“Sorry Ma’am, I mean Leila.” She nodded.

“You kids have fun while your father and I go make dessert inside.” She stood up and looked at Mr. Brown before taking hers and his plate inside with her. Nic looked at me as I ate a potato chip from the bowel on the table.

“Carson can we go swimming again?” Dakota asked looking up at me happily.

“Uh, sure Dakota just go sit by the edge of the pool while I get ready.” I smiled at her as she pushed her chair out and ran to the edge of the pool and sat on the stair. Nic looked at me. “You got a hair tie on you?” She nodded pulling the black band off her wrist and flicking it at me.

“Just don’t lose it it’s one of my last ones.” I pulled my hair into a pony tail and tied with the hair tie.

“I have a new pack in my bag you can have some of them.” She nodded as I we both stood up making the boys stop talking mid-sentence.

“Damn Tuck you have one hot sister.” One of the boys whispered to another boy who I guess would be Tucker.

“Dude, that’s my sister.” He glared at his friend looking back at the two of us. He stood up. “Uh, Hi.” He smiled at me lifting his hand up. “I’m Tucker, Nicole’s brother.” I heard Nic groan behind me.

“I’m Carson.” I smiled back at him shaking his outstretched hand.

“Carson come on. I want to swim.” I turned my head to look over at Dakota.

“Gin come on. He’s just my brother.” She smirked at him as one of Tuckers friends said something making Tucker laugh. I walked towards the pool with Nic to Dakota when we turned around.

“Wait Carson,” I turned to look at him but Nic laughed pushing me into the pool. I surfaced looking at her and smirking as she and Dakota laughed. Nic didn’t see me till I pushed my body enough out of the water to grab her leg and yank her in with me.

“Damn you-” I cut her off by shoving her head under the water as Dakota doggy paddled over to us. Nic came up glaring me at as I laughed wrapping my arms around Dakota.

“Tucky come swimming too.” Tucker looked over at his sister from where he was sitting with his friends.

“Yeah Tucky come swim with us.” Nic laughed looking at her brother imitating her sister. Tucker glared at his sister before pulling his t-shirt off and walking over to the diving board ready to jump in. He jumped in doing a cannonball splashing us from the deep end. I watched as Dakota giggled moving to swim over to him as he came up for air. The other 3 boys did the same each jumping in with only their shorts on. Tucker lifted Dakota up and put her on his shoulders as she giggled holding onto his head. Nic and I sat on the edge of the stairs while Nic came and sat next to me.

“What do you think we are going to do when we get there?” I asked looking at her leaning my elbows on my thighs before put my head in my hands.

“I’m not really sure yet Gin, but it can’t be too bad.” She shrugged looking down at the water moving by our legs.

“Yeah how bad can it be being stuck in California in a beach house?” I laughed pushing her. She looked at me laughing.

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