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“Carson put JJ into the car.” Sarah said from upstairs. I looked down at little JJ as I moved the bottle he was feeding from so he could finish it off. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes blinking as he sucked the last of the breast milk out of the bottle. He whined at me as I put the bottle down.

“Okay Sarah.” I called up the stairs as she stumbled around packing the rest of the upstairs. “You’re being a little greedy baby aren’t you?” I cooed at him. He looked up at me blinking before cooing back. Sarah came down the stairs holding the last box of our things from upstairs.

“That’s the last of it.” She sighed putting the box on the ground. JJ looked at his Mom before sneezing. “Bless you my little baby.” She smiled taking him out of my arms and kissing his head. I picked up the bottle putting it back into the stuffed full diaper bag. “I can’t believe we’re ready to go.” She smiled at me. I nodded.

“I can’t believe I’m finally going to live with you.” I smiled picking up the diaper bag and slipping it on my shoulder. “I can’t believe we can move out of here so quick too. I mean you moved in here what? 2 months ago?” She smiled at me putting JJ in his car seat before putting a thin blanket over him.

“Well we did only rent the place. It’s why I didn’t find the need to put up all the pictures we have. I was only going to take them down.” I picked up the box from the floor walking out to the car as Sarah followed with JJ’s car seat, shutting the door behind us.

“Is that everything?” I asked her putting the box in the trunk of the Ford Explorer Grandpa got Sarah for baby shower. I couldn’t believe he got her it, but we needed it especially since we needed it since we are making the trip from Texas to Nevada, which is a 23 hour drive. Very long ride alright. I closed the trunk as Sarah strapped the car seat into the back and closing the door.

“Yeah that’s everything. The rest left last night to get to the house.” She said getting into the driver’s seat as I got in next to her. “You ready to start off new?” She said at me pulling away from the house. “When did Tucker leave?” She asked driving down the street to pull onto the main road to get onto the highway.

“His flight left at 6.” I sighed running my fingers over the necklace he bought me. “He had to get home for his football practice which starts today. You know early practice for the kids who are already on the team from last year.” Sarah looked at me.

“You miss him don’t you?” I nodded at her turning on the radio.

“It’s weird. I didn’t three months ago. Now I can’t even see my life without him.” Sarah smiled pulling onto the highway speeding up.

“That’s what happened with your father and me.” She giggled. “First thing I’m meeting him, next thing you know I’ve falling in love. 4 months later we’re living together while he’s away. Next thing I know I’m getting married.” She smiled at me. “Then I find out I’m pregnant and your father got sent away again.” He sighed.

“That’s the Military though Sarah.” She nodded.

“I know what I signed myself up for when I married him. But I would wait forever to marry him.” She smiled at me again. “It’s because I love him. Love is a magical thing.”

“Yeah it is.” I smiled at her. She put her hand over mine.

“I’m happy you are so happy now.” I smiled to myself.

“It’s Tucker I tell you. He came and changed everything.” Sarah turned up the music.

“Guys can do that.” She laughed as I turned up the new Nickelback CD. “Some of them truly steal your heart.” I smiled looking out the window. The next 23 hours passed pretty fast. Sarah gave me a rundown of her whole life. Every funny moment. Then she went on to tell me all the funny moments she knew of. I knew I laughed at least half the time. I told her all about school. All about the guys I’ve grown to love and sure as hell will miss. I called Mason and the three of us talked for hours. Most of the time him yelling at me for deserting him. Then Sarah telling him he is more than welcome to visit. We had to stop every so often to feed JJ and change his diaper so that put time on our trip. But overall it was one of the best days of my life.

We pulled up to the new house at about 10 the next morning. The moving truck as almost done unpacking and JJ was once again fussing. I took a box out of the back of the truck and stopped by the driveway. I looked up at the house that will finally be my new home for the first time in over 6 years. I smiled as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over at Sarah as she smiled at me. “Welcome home.” She smiled. Home. That sounds nice. I smiled walking into the house, leaving my past behind me.

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