Chapter 8.5: Melissa's POV

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Back again with a POV! Here's a sneak peak into Melissa's life!


Why is school a thing? Why can't we just sleep in and enjoy life to the fullest instead of waking up early and going to a place where people judge you based on your learning ability. Where you learn things that you don't really need in the future. I just don't understand.

But, hey, without school, I wouldn't know my friends. I wouldn't know how to write, how to read, how to do the Pythagorean Theorem, and I wouldn't know how to deal with annoying people. So, I guess it's a win-win.

It's my first day back to this place and I'm already tired and want to go home. Man, why couldn't I be sick for, like, the whole school year? That would be so cool.

I walk into the place and look around. Nothing has changed. Greeeaaaat. At least there are some new people... oh! Look, there's a new girl. She's really pretty, but she's all by herself. I'll go introduce myself.

I walk up to her and sit down to her right. She looks over to me and gives me a nervous smile. Wow, she must be scared to be at a new school.

"Hey, I'm Melissa. Who are you?" I greeted politely.

"I'm Mary. Nice to meet you. Are you in 8th grade, too?"

"Yeah. Want me to help show you around?"

"That'd be great! Thank you so much!" She sighed with relief. The bell rang for us to go to class, so we got up and got our schedules.

I walked her to our 1st period. Coincidentally, we have it together. I wanted to go see someone before class, so I told her I had to go do something. She thanked me again, and walked into the classroom.

As I left the room, I wandered the halls to try to find Danah. I wanted to tell her that I might move. After a minute of looking, I decided to go back to class.

As I walked in, I saw my friends, including the person I was looking for. They all seemed like they were having an interesting conversation, so I decided to question them.

"Hey guys, what'd I miss?" I watched as Julia pointed a finger towards the back of the classroom. I followed her finger to find that it lead straight to Oscar. Oh, now i get it. Wait... didn't I have to tell Danah something? Meh, guess it's not important right now.

I completely forgot what I had to tell Danah. Maybe I'll remember later? Oh well. I focused on trying to find Mary, and saw that she was basically drooling over Oscar. I decided to tell the group.

~~~time skip because I'm lazy and you already read this conversation~~~

It's the end of the day, which means I have to go home to my crazy mom. Ugh, why does she have to ruin EVERYTHING?!?! Okay, maybe everything is an understatement, but it's pretty close.

I got on my bus and thought about everyone I saw today. Mary, the new girl. Julia, the hyper one. Eraj, the extra/dork. And Danah, the weird one. One thing didn't seem right today about Danah. Maybe somethings wrong with her? Has she changed? She seemed to get angry a lot easier than she used to. I wonder what's happening?


I am suuuuuuper sorry that I didn't post sooner, I've just been extremely lazy and sleeping all day. Hope you like this little chapter, and stay tuned for more!

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