Chapter 7: The Birthday Party

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~This is back in Danahs POV btw~

June 17th has finally arrived and today is the day that I will go to Julia's house for a sleepover. It will just be me, Julia, Melissa, and our friend Kahlan. This is gonna be fun. We'll play the Xbox, eat pizza and cookies, swim, and talk until we pass out. Interesting right? Yeah, I know. Julia gets the best cookies.

The party starts at 1, so I have about 3 hours to get ready. Yaaaaaaaay, I get to wait around for 3 hours with a packed bag and an annoying brother I sarcastically say to myself as i sit on my bed. I'm gonna have the tiiiiiiime waiting for the clock to say that it's 1:00.

After about 3 dull hours, it's finally time to leave and go to Julia's house. My mom and I hop into the car (with my brother, ugh) and go to the party.

After being in the car with my obnoxious brother for 5 minutes, I'm relieved to finally go inside and see my friends. I walk up the porch and ring the doorbell. 1 second... 2 secon- "Hey Danah! Come on in! Go ahead and put your stuff in my room. Hello Danahs mom!" Typical, I'm betting that Julia practically ran to the door. She's usually super hyper when she's out of school.

"Hey Julia! Thanks a bunches."

"No problem!" She said with a smile. "Melissa is playing on the Xbox, so now we're just waiting for Kahlan."

"Okay. Bye mom, I'll call you when I'm ready to leave tomorrow!" I said as I walked into the house. It's really pretty for a 1 story house. "Okay, sweetie. See you tomorrow! I love you! Muaaaah!" She said with a kiss at the end. Julia shut the door once she left and led me to her room. I put my stuff down on the floor and sat down in her gamer chair. I said hi to Melissa and watched them play Left 4 Dead 2 for a minute before there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!!" Julia exclaimed, practically jumping off of the bed and running to the door. Knew it. I watched as Julia swung open the door and hugged Kahlan. Hey, why didn't I get a greeting like that? Anyways, after hearing kahlan and her talk for a while, they both came into Julia's room and sat down. Julia passed me the controller and offered us some food.

Kahlan: "Sure! Do you have any cookies?" (That's what she's getting)
Melissa: "OOOOO, a cookie sounds really good. M&M one please!"
Danah, me: "Meh, can I have a cupcake? No, a cookie. No, a cupcake. No, I don't wanna ruin my appetite. Both."

I'm so indecisive.

Julia brings back our requests and a juice box for each person. I finish mine first (the juice box, not the food), then play Left 4 Dead 2 with Kahlan for a while.

Once the game for pretty boring, Julia's mom came home and said we could go swimming. We all put on our swimsuits and went outside to the pool. It is quite large, with a hot tub and waterfall connected to it. There is a deep and shallow end, and plenty of room for, hmm, 30-35 people? I don't know, it's really big.

We all jump in and play games and sing terribly to songs that are either suuuuuuper old or we reeeeeeealy like. It's a lot of fun.

Once were finished, we get dried off and go inside. We decide to change into our pajamas since pjs are really comfy to wear. We finish getting dressed and sit in a room away from the rest of the people in the house. We sprawl out on the couch and tell funny stories that have happened to us.

We have many stories, so this lasts for about and hour or two. It's almost 10:00 and we're still full of energy, so we decide to play "little kid games". We play games like hide-and-go-seek, Marco Polo, cops and robbers, tag, freeze tag, ya know, that kinda thing.

After running and junk, it's midnight and were really tired. We go into a room the belongs to Julia's older sister and fall asleep on her bed almost immediately. I dream of something amazing.

~~~time skip to morning~~~

I'm the first person to wake up, so I decide to be nice and fall back asleep. After 2 minutes of trying, I give up completely on the idea and just lay in the bed. 1 minute..... 3.5 minutes..... 7 minutes..... Finally! Someone is moving! Julia wakes up and tries to fall back asleep. Soon after, Melissa and Kahlan wake up too. We all get up and go to the kitchen to get some pop tarts.

While were eating, we decide to talk. Me, being the stupid person I am, brought up the topic about Oscar.

"Well, you know..." Melissa said while wiping off the crumbs on her face, "I do have his number. You could've told me last night and we could've called him."

"Wait," Kahlan said hesitantly, "Who's Oscar?"

"Danahs little crush!!" Said Julia, pure fan girl written all over her face. "I soooo ship it."

"Shut up! I need to know what to do to get him to talk to me and see the real me!" I snapped in embarrassment.

"Well..." Said Melissa while I waited eagerly for her to continue,"... If you're gonna do a plan, or whatever, you might wanna start it quickly. You remember Miranda, right?"

"Yeah, why?" I said, unsure of where this is going.

"Well, she kinda...sorta...maybe... positively has a crush on Oscar... and was probably planning on telling him on the first day of school, ya know, if he's there." Melissa answered.

I knew I hated that girl for a good reason! Sure, I thought the reason was that she was annoying and didn't know how to shut up, but hey! Anything works for me, I suppose. Now... What shall I do?

"Sooo... Any ideas on how we're gonna make sure that Danah wins Oscars heart?" Said Kahlan in an upbeat tone.

"Maybe we could ruin her reputation or something, like in Yandere Simulator?" Suggested Julia. After everyone gave that a few seconds of thought, we all looked at each other and bust out laughing.

"That's-giggle- such a- giggle giggle- stupid idea! Danah could- chuckle- never pull THAT off!" Said Melissa while trying hard to control her laughter.

"Hey! I could if I tried hard enough!" I said, but I couldn't even keep a straight face.

After all of the giggles, we finally calmed down and decided to just put on our swimsuits and play in Julia's pool & hot tub.

After a few hours, like all things, the party ended and we all went home thinking the same thing, well, at least I was thinking it:

Why in the world would Miranda like Oscar?

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