Chapter 7.

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* Harry's POV*

Yesterday night really confused me, Louis was.. comforting me he held me in his arms- and don't get me wrong, I felt like I was on cloud nine but.. why would Louis do that? Louis hates me, before last night be wouldn't never lay a finger on me unless he meant to hurt me, which we all know Louis loves to do.. But now I get to go to school and face him after last night, I just pray that he won't say anything and bring it up, just do the beating and just leave.... Unless Louis is actually started to like m- No Harry, he hates you... that won't change... if he didn't why would he say all those awful, but true things about you?

It hurt, a lot. I mean I have considered .. harming myself, I've heard that it relives all that pain... I wanted to try it, just see if it works..


I was threw three periods with out Louis saying anything or even hurting me, but it was time for the worst part of the day...


Louis would usually tease me about My body, how my tummy was too big, or how my thighs had too much meat on them.

I tries to ignore him the best I could but it's hard to ignore that constant banter.


I finished my shower, putting a towel around my waist. I walked back to my locker, opening it and searching or my clothes but. I couldn't find them, I heard a snicker behind my back and I turned to see Louis and his friends holding My clothes, some holding up there phones, including Louis... What is this?

" Louis, g-give my my-my clothes.." I asked, feeling my self shake nervous on what he would do..

"And why would I do that, fat ass?" He spat in my face, pushing me harshly against the lockers.

I groaned in pain, shrugging, feeling myself getting smaller..

"Please just g-give me my clothes!"

I didn't want this embarrassment, were they going to post this online?

I felt another hard push from louis, pushing me to the ground, I felt tears burn in my eyes, them soon pouring out when I felt many kicks to the stomach and pain washing over me I cried and begged for them to stop but they wouldn't listen.. my towel was still thankfully on my body.

I opened my eyes when I felt weight lifted off of me, hearing them all mumble, soon only me and Louis were alone in the locker room, This couldn't be good... I felt my eyes get heavier, my self growing weaker but they shot right open with Louis grabbed my hair, making me look at him. ( That's sound sexual? yeah...)

"Listen up, faggot, what happened, NEVER happened.. and you will not tell ANYONE." he said stern.

I shook my head vigoursly, he pushed me down, my head hitting the ground, I felt myself getting more and more dizzy, I only saw Louis looking at me before I saw him walking closer, feeling arms before the darkness took me.

Was he helping me again?


* Louis' POV*

I felt awful... I felt so quilty, I caused him to pass out, I beat him until he was so in pain that he passed out.

But I could not feel quilty, I needed to hate Harry, I- I like Harry.. But I need to hate him, I need too... I can't be a fag not like him....

My family would hate me. I couldn't be a disgrace like him..

I just needed to keep hurting him, starting now, I hated myself for once again feeling bad and taking care of him while he was passed out, I took him to the nurse telling her I found him passed out. I was such a liar..

I was even lying to myself.

That was the only way though... I had to lie to myself and to Harry, I doubt he even still loves me... why would he? I was such a dick to him, to everyone..

The only way I could possibly ignore my love for him was to just ignore him, ignore him completely... no more beatings just ignore him... I prayed it would work, I couldn't be a faggot..

I couldnt.


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