Chapter 15.

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*Harrys POV*

I grabbed a bottle of heavy pain pills and set them on the counter. No one was home and today was the day I was going to do what I should have done a long time ago. Leave. Leave this awful place, Make Louis happy. Thats what I wanted... I wanted Louis happy, but more importantly I wanted all this pain gone, I just wanted it to go away. I cant explain the hurt, its so big and my heart aches completely.. I guess this is what heartbreak feels like right?

I set my phone infront of me and hit Louis' contact, clicking on the message button then the 'Take video or picture' icon and swiped to the video. Before I pressed the red button I tried to make myself look presentable but I decided It wouldnt make a difference, I was always ugly in Louis' eyes. I pressed the button and took a deep breath and started my suicide speech.

" H-hey Lou... Uh, I guess you might be confused on why I am sending you a video but just listen. I just.. I want you to know one thing, That I-I really do love you, so much that it hurts. Everything about you makes me mant to smile but sometimes I cant find the urge too, you know? Its become really hard to smile.. Two days ago was the first time I smiled in a long time, I thought that everything was great again.. Like you changed into the old Lou, my boobear.. But you didnt. Not one bit. Your still that jerk, But thats not the point in why I'm sending you this.. Im sending you this to say goodbye. A final goodbye... I know your probably cheering in joy but I wish you werent.. I wish you cared.. No words can explain how much I just want everything to go back to the way it was, But its never going to be that way so.. Why live a life when your never happy? Because if I never have you then.. Im never going to be happy... Never.. So Im just going to end the pain.. there isn't a point in life anymore, as soon as you get this video i'll probably be gone. I love you Louis.. I hope your finally happy with me out of your life, Goodbye Boo."

*Louis' POV*

I looked at my phone, I stray tear runningf down my face.. I was completely shocked, Harry didnt know why I said what I said, The point was I didnt mean it and Harry was about to make a big mistake. He needs to know that I need him, I need to save Harry. No words can explain my feeling right now, I was breathing heavily and I was panicking, All I knew is I needed to get Harry safe and.. alive.

I got up and ran to my car. telling my mother it was an emergancy but I didn't need her help. I started the car in a rush and nearly went thirty miles above the speed limit, I didn't care, I needed to get to Harry in time.

I got out of my car and to my luck, the door was open. I run threw the house yelling for Harry, I checked his room, kitchen, living room- The bathroom! I remember he filmed in the bathroom! I ran into the bathroom looking at a frusterated crying Harry trying to open a bottle of pills.

"Oh, harry!" I screamed and ran to his side and held him in my arms resulting in all the pills falling on the ground.

Harry screamed and kicked, trying his best to get out if my arms.

" NO!"






His screams killed me and tears poured down my eyes. I gave all my strength in not letting Harry go so he didn't reach the pills spilt on the floor. I tried my best to calm him down but nothing was working, he kept kicking and screaming.

"Harry, baby please.. Clam down please, Please stop screaming, calm down sweetheart. It's okay."

"No! SHUT UP! Its not okay! Nothing is okay!" He screamed practically in my ear, I ignored the pain and stroked his hair, just trying everything to make him calm down. He cried hysterically, I didn't know what to do, do I take him to a hospital? Do I explain everything? I just didn't know what to do.

" Harry baby! Please listen to me okay? I didn't mean what I said! I told Zayn about everything and then he-he threatened to hurt you more badly than he ever did before if we didn't break up! Please believe me Harry, I love you so much!"

" Your such a liar! T-that's all you were! An awful lie!" He yelled back.

" I wouldn't be trying to hard to save you and make you believe I loved you if I was a liar Haz..." I said more softly, his crying died down a little.

He turned to look at me, he looked pink all around his eyes from the crying, his eye lashes soaked with tears. His image hurt me. I never want Harry hurt. He put his head into my chest and I held him there, whispering that it was okay.. And I meant it this time.

"Believe me Harry, I mean every word. I love you with all my heart. To know that I was the whole reason you have done this kills me Harry... to know that I cause you such a pain that would make you want to leave this earth... I-... it's just, I can't handle knowing I did that to you. But I want to start over Harry, A brand new start... just us." I said as He peeled from my body to look at me

"I-Im sorry I was so stupid to not realize! I-I'm sorry I didnt beleive you! I'm sorry Im so weak!" He said loudlt, stuttering.

"Harry, Listen to me.. Its okay, Its not your fault.. You did nothing wrong okay? To be honest its all my fault.. Oh my god, Harry I.. Im so sorry. All of it was my fault.." It was really all my fault Harry tried to do this.. Im really such all awful person. To know I hurt Harry that bad to make him want to do this brought tears to my eyes.

"I-Its fine.. Were okay.. Right?" He croaked out.

" Yes Harry.. A new start."

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