Chapter 12.

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* Louis' POV*

After Harry screamed at me yeaterday, I did think.. I thought about how he felt, how he feels about what I had done. He feels broken.

Even if don't believe it you can just look in his eyes. His eyes nearly tell how he feels each day, usually his eyes are dull and filled with sadness, hurt, betrayal.... And then there's maybe one day where I have seen his eyes bright.... full of happiness and love. I remember when I saw those eyes and I haven't seen them in a long time. I really wanted to See those eyes again, I wanted to see Harry like before... when we were the best of friends, god, I love Harry so much. Why do I do this? Harry was right ... I am selfish, I'm so stupid to think that hurting him is going to make me feel better in any way.. because it doesn't, it only makes me feel worse.

I want to tell Harry I love him, because I do, deeply. I want to tell him.. I want to see his eyes happy again. So I will, today will be the day. I'll tell him my feelings and why I did what I did to him... I was going to make Harry mine again.


I nervously brought my hand up to Harry's door and I knock three times..

I wait...

I go to knock again but instead it opens to Harry.

"W-what are you do-doing here?" Harry stuttered... His stutter was cute but he only did it around me...

"I wanted to talk to you Haz.."

" Don't cAll me that. Dont. " He says stern, looking down sadly.. Did I hurt him by saying his nickname?

I'm such a prick.

"I'm sorry, Uh, can I come in?"

Harry hesitates but he opens the door wide enough so I could fit threw... I sit on the sofa and wait for him to sit next to me.

"Sit next to me."

"Why a-are you being so n-nice?

" just, sit next to me okay?"

He sT right next to me but I shifted, wanted to see his fAce when I told him this... I really want him to believe me but if he did I don't know what would happen after this.. Did I think this threw? What if he tells evwryone? To late now...

"Harry, I know that this might confuse you but I just need to listen to my words... I don't really know how else to say it but I am in love with you. I have been... When you told me that day that you loved me I was just.. I was so happy, because I felt that way too... Everything about you made my insides flutter. I was amazed that you could have that effect on me. But Harry, the reason I flipped out was because, I was just so confused on my feelings, liking another boy was weird to me at the time and I was scared what people would think at school.. I'm still worried about that... But harry.. you don't know how quilty I feel, I hit you and I cause you pain and I am so sorry, I don't know how many times I can say that but I really am sorry. To know I hurt the person I love literally hurts so much, I'm so Sorry." I spoke out, tears in my eyes... I didn't look up, I was scared to see his reaction.

" What is this? Some sick joke? There is no way you can mean that, you hate me." Harry sAid, almost trying to convince himself.

" No, no,no.. I knew you would think like that, it's not a joke Harry I mean it.."

"You don't mean it, you cant! You wouldn't do that stuff to me if you loved me.."

"Harry that's the point... I know I was wrong... Just think about what I said.. I mean it Harry, I do love you." I gripped his shoulder, making him look in my eyes.

He looked at me, it lookedi like he was half and half... Like he wanted to believe me but part of him didn't.

"Your lying.. I know if I believe you your just going to tell all of your prick friends that I tried to kiss you or something.. I-I'm not as stupid as you think I am.."

"Harry, please.. I'm sorry. I do love you, so mych... I'm so sorry."

I really didn't know what else to say to make him believe me.. I just had to show him... I had to kiss him, show him I mean every last word.

Harry looked down, he looked confused.. like he was think about something. I slightly touched his chin making him look up at me, his teary and confused eyes looking into my eyes. I leaned in... my lips soon firmly presses against Harry's. Harry was shocked but I showed him it was okay... Soon our lips were moving in a perfect rythm with eachothers.

I pulled away before I lost control and did something.. I peeked my eyes open, the pleasure if the kiss still lingering through my body. His eyes were filled with happiness.. I finally see those eyes again.


"I believe you, Boo.."

His words rung in my head... I was so happy, I couldn't explain it.

But what about school?

The Bully in Love ( Larry Stylinson Jock! Louis Nerd! Harry )Where stories live. Discover now