Chapter 8.

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Harrys POV

I grabbed my lap top and typed in the url '' . I dont really go on here much but i look at my news feed sometimes.

I was scrolling through when something caught my eye... Posted by: Louis Tomlinson.

'Poor Harry gets his ass beat'

My heart stopped.. was that? It couldnt be. I felt tears brim in my eyes at the thought that this would be online for millions of people to see. I regreatfully clicked on the video.. 7 minutes long.  7 minutes of me crying, pleading for them to stop. 

I was utterly humiliated, I had the slightest idea in my head that Louis was starting to like me becuase he helped me twice, But i was stupid to think this. I was stupid to think i ever meant anything to him. He hates me. He wants me to feel this way right now. He wants me to feel broken and un wanted by the whole world. But i just have one question... 


Why did i have to feel this way?Maybe if i was perfect he would like me... If I came into school everyday with my curls in a perfect direction, no bags under my eyes or bloodshot eyes.. perfect body, perfect facial features... I wanted to be like that. I wanted to be perfect for Louis...

Why cant I have him?! 

I love him so much! 

Ive always loved him... Forever it seems like. I want a happily ever after with him. I wanted him mine. No words can describe how much love I have for him... He used to be my Boobear.. I was forced to remember what he was and not what he was now.. The times when he was sweet and caring towards me.. Not a jerk and a prick to me Just because i loved him.

I was frusterated right now, Tears were rushing down my face, I wouldve screamed if my mother wasnt home but sadly she was, I just tugged at my hair... Wanting this feeling of hurt from my body.

I picled myself up and thought of that blade.. slicing my-


Fuck! Louis! Shit.. Shit...

I heard my mom get the door and i whiped away my tears, though they were red from the irritation.

My mom sent him to my room and I walked in, winding him sitting on the bed  Looking down.. I didnt wanna face him, I was scared having him here.. But this project needed to be done...

*Louis' POV*

I regretted everything I had done to HArry, I should have never posted that online but i Had to be mean.. It was the only way i could try to ignore this liking towards Harry...

I looked up at him.. His eyes were red, like he had been crying, he wasnt breathing steady.. Like he was scared i was here... I wouldnt blame him..  

" U-Uhm... should w-we get started?" He stuttered, his voice shaky..

" Oh, Yeah.. dont we have to write a paragragh about their habitat before we start observing them?' 

" Yeh.. I- I forgot.. I guess I'll do th-that.." He said, rishing to his laptop.

He opened it and facebook was layed on the screen, my video shown. No.. I didnt want him to see it.. Did he watch it? 

He rushed and closed that tab with his shaky fingers

Why was I such a fuck up? I liked Harry.. But I cant ruin my reputation... There was so many factors in this situation... I didnt know if Ishould kiss him or punch him. Whats wrong with me? 

I dont mean to hurt him, I dont want too.. But I do.. I know he still loves me, I hurt him.. Phisically and mentally.. I wanted him to know that I liked him.. I wanted him to know that i didnt mean to hurt him, But i just do... 

 He was just sitting there, his lip was trembling and he had tears in his eyes.. he was nervous and scared, I saw it in his eyes. 

Im that moment I wanted to cure that sadness in his eyes... I grabbed his chin and made him look at me before leaning in.. 

I heard him mutter something before my lips were pressed firmly on his. 

AN: There yah go lovelies.. I was so tired, sorry, i know it sucks but its something right? <3 ENJOY.

The Bully in Love ( Larry Stylinson Jock! Louis Nerd! Harry )Where stories live. Discover now