Chapter 13.

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*Harrys POV*

I was confused.. So confused. Part of me really did believe him, I really felt him in the kiss... The kiss reassured me that what he said was true. That part of me did think that Louis meant every and each last word.. Then there was that voice in the back of my head... Telling me I was stupid to think Louis would ever mean that, That I wasnt some popular jock like he was.. I was just a nerd that gets beat up at school.. Why would louis want that? But I forced myself to focus on that good part that believed Louis.

We had been in eachothers arms for maybe the past hour.. He was gave me a kiss at the top of my head before I looked up at him. I wanted to know what would happen tomarrow. What me and Louis were.

"Lou... What is this?" I asked, my voice breaking.

" What is what babe?"

" Us.. Whats going to happen at school tomarrow? I mean I still dont know whats going on.., You just freakin confuse me, I want to believe you, Then I dont because your a prick one day and then a sweet-"

" Harry babe, stop rambling... You should believe me, Okay? Its all true.. I was selfish and stupid before and Im-"

" You havent answered my question." I said stern.. My lip was quivering.. I wanted to know if everything was going to go back to the way they were, Him beating me up at school for his 'rep'.

"I-I dont know yet... The people at school, they might not react.. good?" He said softly, not looking me in my eyes.

" So,things are just going to go back to the way they are, arent they? So you can have your stupid silly 'rep.' "  I shook my head, standing up.. he tryed to grab my wrist calling out my name so the letters rolled off his lips gracefully.

" No! Im done.. Im done with lies! Im done with hurt.. Im done with everything, Lou! I dont get you! All you care about is your fucking reputation! Oh, why would you wanna be seen with Harry Styles, The fucking nerd.. That would ruin your precious little rep wouldnt it Lou?! God.. Why cant things be like before.." My eyes filled with tears as i whispered the last softly.

He just looked at me as if he had no idea what I was saying.

" There is no point in you still being here. Just the hell out of my house beofre a fucking panic attack." I meant that, the panic attacks have been coming back now that things with Louis stared.

But ofcourse, Louis didnt move.

" I'll show everyone your mine tomarrow. I will kiss you in the middle of lunch, the hallway.. whatever. I dont care where it is but i just want everyone to know that your mine."

I looked at him in awe, fresh tears now falling from my eyes.. Why did I always have to make things difficult, causing arguments and problems? I Lenaed into him, feeling his arms wrap around me.

" Im sorry, Lou.. I-Its just hard, Ive always wanted this and now that I have it.. Its hard to handle.." I whispered, Sniffling.

"Dont say sorry, Haz.. Everything is okay.. Were Okay.."

Were Okay....

Louis' was finally mine.

I finally have what I have always wanted.

AN: Hello dumplings, Sorry it was short but yaaayyyyyy Finnalllyyyy some larry right? :D AND SOML VIDEO. WAS NOT OK WATCHING THAT HARRY AND ANNE ON THE SOFA REALLY GOT ME Y GET WHAT IM SAYIN? 


Anywho... I know the cover for this story has Louis with tattoes and stuff but he doesnt in the story so keep that in mind and also, Harry isnt like Marcel, just has glasses and not big ones like marcel it just adds to the nerd thing.

The Bully in Love ( Larry Stylinson Jock! Louis Nerd! Harry )Where stories live. Discover now