Chapter 8 - Please Wait

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Hey guys! I'm back! Yesterday I just finished my final tests and I quickly write this part for you! Thank God I don't have writers block last night cause maybe it will dissapoint you all so I try my best to make this for you.. Hope you enjoy the story!

??? pov

That was so close! If I knew she would wake up like that, I wouldn't go there! I must hide from there as soon as possible or she will try to find me.

My pov

"Arghh!" I yell. I know that guy is trying to runaway. I should've stop him before but he's just too fast like the wind. I'm getting too curious for this guy. Questions are runnin' in my head, why he had to run from me? Did he afraid of me or it's because of my power? But if he's afraid of my power, how the hell he know? I didn't even know him..

Wait.. That kind of hair, the sweatshirt, the stick?! Did I just dreaming?! He was like "whoosh" and.. gone. I-is he?

As I got shocked by the fact, I decided to go back to sleep..


All I hear is that noise as I know it's the alarm went off. "Ughh, what the hell?! Gosh, I forgot to turn the alarm off!" and I did got angry to myself but I decided to get up anyway (what a bummer XD). Then I walk straight to the bathroom and take a shower, I brush my hair and just let it down. I dressed in this stone heart jumper, skinny jeans, and a pair of white converse cause it's a little cold I guess (?)
here's the link

I run down the stairs and head to the kitchen to get something to eat. It's easy as I use my telekinesis to open the refrigerator and I just sit on chair be like "just swinging arms" looks XD now that I can control it for a bit but I still on my practice for sure. I move the cereal box and pour it in my bowl and take a bottle of milk and combine it all away.

??? pov

"Hmm, looks like someone is having breakfast huh?" I smirk while I watch her from the kitchen window. "That girl.. Has a power too.." I stare at her like hell, I can't help it. Not noticing, cause I just dreaming while looking at her. She notice me at the window and blast her telekinetic power to blast open the window.

My pov

When I was opening my mouth while holding my spoon, I feel like there's someone watching me. But when I see in corner of my eyes, there's that guy again out the kitchen window. I take a bit more look on him and I caught him just staring at me dreaming and I think it will be a surprise if I blast the window. I quickly slam the window and there he is..

??? pov

I gasped loudly "No!" I take a quick fly backward but she called out "Please wait, don't go!" "I-I-um" and there we go, I get speechless.. "Please don't fly away again, I just want to see you!" as she beg with those puppy eyes that I can't deny, I decide to fly closer to her at the window. "Please stay, I want to ask you." "What is it?" "Who are you? Why you're here?"

So that's the end where I can write today, but don't ya worry I'll write more!

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