Chapter 12 - Our Secret Hideout

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- Time skip

My pov

It's been 3 months since we hang out with each other and it seems like we're getting closer day by day even if Jack's already knew me years ago and we already confessed our feelings. Jack comes by only at night and when he knows I'm alone, but also he can just pops out at my school to check on me. And guess what? We have our own secret hideout..

Saturday, 12.57  a.m.

Jack's pov

I use to come to meet her at this time because I have guardian jobs to do in the morning. I knock her balcony's door and.. She doesn't answer, and I knock again but she still doesn't answer me. I sigh and open the door then I can see her asleep on her bed with her homeworks all beside her. I can see math homeworks, science homeworks, and others that I can't understand. I gently shake her, "Carie, wake up.." then she wakes up shock "WAAAH! Oh God Jack it's you.. Why didn't you knock?" I let a groan "I tried many times and you didn't hear so I went in and woke you up." she scratches her eyes and looks down at her homeworks "ARRGGHH! THIS DAMN HOMEWORKS!" I chuckle a bit at her frustration " Whoa, language!" she groans " I haven't done it all, still a half way long.." I smile "Can you please stop thinking about homeworks first and relax yourself? You've been like this since last month! And by the way, we haven't visit 'the hideout' again since forever. It's Saturday anyways." while I'm smirking at her, "It's because I'm close to have final tests but.. Oh alright, I give up. Just let me change first." "Okay,  I'll go out."

My pov

After he went out, I quickly open my wardrobe and pick a hazel bat-wing sweater, skinny jeans, and a pair of black converses. Then I just tie my hair ponytail and put a little powder on my face.
I open my balcony door but I can't find Jack anywhere, "Jack? Jack, stop playing hide and seek! Come on, I'm ready!" and when I'm about to turn, Jack's face pops out right at my face "AAAH! Jackson Overland Frost, stop it!" I can he's laughing so hard that makes me punch his arm, "OWW! You know that hurts." I quickly glare at him "And you know that I don't want my parents call me even crazier!" he hufts "Alright, no wasting time. Hope on my back!", I hop on his back and we fly off my house.

We're flying for about 20 minutes, I know it's so impossibly fast but he's Jack Frost and he can fly fast like the wind. Our hideout is somewhere in Canada, I know it's far from where I live but he picked it so what can I do. All I can do now is burying my face on his back to prevent me from getting a cold.
We arrive in our secret hideout which is a lake with forest around it and a view of mountains. It's December, so the lake must be frozen by now.
We just laying there on the grass, staring at the stars until I ask him "So, what we're gonna do?" but then he sits up and looking down smiling at me which I'm still laying down, "I don't know, but I do know that you're more amazing than that stars." I smile, "Aw, you're such a flirt frost HAHAHA!" "Hey hey okay, I'm being serious right now. I don't know what we're gonna do, so would you sing for me?", I take a quick sit "What? Sing? Oh no.." he slowly pouts, "Why? Your voice is so beautiful. I've heard you sang a lot." but then I smirk, "You stalk me a lot too, hah?" his pout curls up into a small grin, "I'm your guardian, my job is to protect you, you know?", I laugh a bit "Okay okay Jack, I'm just kidding! So, you want me to sing right? Fine, I'll sing." he's now changing his sit position and ready to listen,

"Mirror mirror on the wall. I'm falling to the other side, a thousand pieces on the floor. So I can chase the fireflies. I face the pain, it's beautiful. I don't have to run anymore, I don't have to run anymore.."

but he just stares at me dreamily "Wow, you have a beautiful voice.", I smile brightly "Thank you Jack. What about you, can you sing?" I chuckle at my last sentence. "You doubt me?" he add his smirk to me, "No, no. I just ask. But if you can, why we don't sing together? Please.." "Yes, if you ask for it. What will we sing?" I think for a while and think about this one song.

"Cause it's too cooold, for you here."

but when I want to continue, Jack suddenly continues to sing and literally shocks me

"And now so let me hooold, both your hands in the holes of my sweater."

I clap my hands in disbelief "Oh my God, Jack! I didn't know you had some good voice and knew that song!" "Oh sure I was. You just didn't know yet." then we just staring at each other smiling. And we just singing duet together with staring at the stars.
We stop singing until Jack suddenly ask me to travel the forest nearby together but I have to say no because I'm too sleepy. Jack then carries me bridal style and brings me back home.
As we arrive, Jack quickly opens my balcony door and puts me on the bed. He gives me a goodnight kiss, but when he's about to leave, I quickly open my eyes and take his hand "Please, would you sleep here tonight?" he turns back and smiles "Sure, if you want." he then joins me to sleep on the bed and he lets me sleep in his chest and whispers "I love you, lil snowflake." I giggle in my sleep and whisper back "I love you too Jack.." and after that I have lost into my dream with Jack beside me.

Saturday, 06.08 a.m.

Jack's pov

When the sun rises in the morning, I still can feel Carie's body close to me. But I know I have to leave, so I get off her bed and cover her with the blanket. I give her a quick kiss on her forehead and say goodbye, I slowly open her balcony door while I'm looking at her smiling and I won't forget my surprise note. Then, I fly off from her house.

Saturday, 07.02 a.m.

My pov

I wake up, look beside me but he's gone. But then, I take a quick glance at the window and slowly walk near the window and find a full frosts on it. But when I take a closer look, there's like a handwriting on the frosts, it spells a sentence says "Have a nice day! Don't forget to eat breakfast!". And I do know who did this, I quickly open my balcony door and say up to the sky "Thanks Jack, I won't." ending up with giggling and a warm smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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