Chapter 11 - Confession

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Jack's pov

"What is it?" she asks. "I don't know, but keep close to me." I say while tighten my grip on her. As we get closer to where it comes from, I'm ready to blast it with my staff. "I think it's from that tall bushes there." as she points it with her finger. "Well, you should stay here, I will take a closer look." then I take few steps to look what's behind those bushes. What I see is a white wolf with his leg injured. I take a look on her, she asks "What's going on?" I simply answer "It's just a wolf." "A wolf? Are you serious? I've always wanted to see a wolf!" then she runs through the bushes and she stop, just looking the wolf in shock. "Oh my God, now let me help you little one." as she rips her low part of her clothes then she applies to its leg and roll the cloth to reduce the blood to come out.

My pov
"Here you go, little one.." I say as I stroke its head. "What should we call it, Jack?" I look back and see Jack is leaning on in staff. "Hmm.. What if we call it Buddy? What do you think?" "I guess it's a good name, well your name is Buddy now." while lifting up it to stand. "Well, we should get going now snowflake." I hear Jack calling me. "I know, but can we bring Buddy too?" I see Jack starts to glare at me "No, we are not bring Buddy together." I start to make puppy eyes "Please Jack, please.. Can we please?" and Jack seems give up with me and facepalming "Fine, you can bring Buddy too.." he says while he raises his hands in surrender, I just laugh hard and see Jack chuckles. "Now, where should we go?" I ask him, "It's almost sunset now. Maybe you want to see it?" "Sure, I like that." then Jack offers his hand and take my hand, ready to fly. "Wait here ok Buddy. Don't worry, we'll come back." and Bunny seems allows us to leave.
Then Jack and I start to leave the ground and fly away. "Ermm.. Jack?" he turns his head to me "Yeah snowflake?" I stare back at him " Where we gonna see the sunset?" he chuckles at first "I thought you wanted to ask something serious." he laughs again "Jack! It's serious." I glare at him "Ok, ok. I'm gonna take you to somewhere special. It's a good place to see sunset too." while he smiles warmly to me and I do smile back at him.
About 5-10 minutes, we arrive in a small lake with a bridge in the middle. "So this is the place? It's beautiful." I look back to Jack, he seems happy "But not as beautiful as you Carrie." he smirks "Oh really?" I start to smirk back, he chuckles a bit "The smirk part is a joke but when I say you're beautiful, I really mean it." he smiles "I-I don't know what to say, thank you." I smile wider than his. "Come on, let's go to that bridge! It's the perfect spot to see sunset." he grabs my hand quickly, "Whoa slow down!" then we laugh together.
"So here we are. Do you like it?" I smile at him "Are you kidding? It's really amazing Jack!" then he laughs "I'm glad you like it. Hey, look! It's the sunset." he points the sunset and I turn my head "Wow, it's amazing! It's the best day ever!" I don't know why but I just spontaneously hug him, I think I made him a bit shock but he hugs me back anyways. I whisper to him "Thanks for today." he whispers back "Anything for you." then we pull back, he smiles widely to me "Carrie, I want to talk about something to you. And it's kinda serious." he stares directly at my eyes, serious yet focus. "What is it Jack?" I stare back in worry.

Jack's pov

Should I tell her now? Is this the best time? It's okay Jack, you gotta tell her! "Carrie, I want you to know my feelings." I see her puzzled look, "What do you mean?" I take a deep breath, "I can't control this anymore, I-I'm in love with you.." and I can see her, shocks of what I say. "W-What?! Since when?" asking me with confusion, "Since you're growing up.. You know, I've been protecting you since you were born so technically I'm your-" but she cuts off "Spirit guide, isn't it?" "Yeah.. I'm your guardian snowflake." she looks happy yet shocked "I can't believe it.. But I'm glad I had a guardian like you because I have the same feelings for you." she smiles brightly at me, without warnings I grab her cheeks and give her a quick kiss. At first, she shocked but kisses me back sweetly. I put my left hand over her waist and the other still on her cheek. Other than her, she puts her both hands on the back of my neck. We kiss in a perfect movement yet passionate. After that, we pull away trying to catch some air. We both look down, blushing together, but then she breaks the silence "Well Jack, eventhough you're cold but your lips seems to be warm." she adds a little giggle, "I know you would like it." I add a smirk at her, "By the way, it's getting late I'm afraid your mother looks out for you. Ready to go home?" "Wait Jack, we had promise Buddy to meet him again. And after that, we'll go home." "Sure, let's get back!".
We try to to look for Buddy, but about 15 minutes we can't find Buddy. "Snowflake, I think it's better that we go home now." she turns to me "But what about him? Do you think he lost?" she starts a bit worry now, but I put my hands on her shoulder, "Hey, hey, don't worry. We'll find him again tomorrow, what do you think?" I lift her chin, hoping she can say something "Okay.." she nods.

~Time skip~

Jack's pov

We arrive at her house now, "So, are you having fun today?", she smiles "Of course! This is like the best day of my life! Thanks to you Jack."she smiles sweetly, "You don't need to thank me, it's always been my pleasure to make you smile and protect you, snowflake.." I give her the sweetest yet serious smile at her. "Maybe, I'll let you rest first because you had fun a whole day." I laugh but she nudges my arm and laughs, "Yeah, I'm tired too actually." "Well, you should take a rest now. I have job to do anyway. So, bye snowflake!", before I run out, she takes my hand and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Goodbye frostbite." "Oh, so that's what you call me now huh?", I glare at her but she just laughs. "Have sweet dreams." as I kiss her forehead and fly out the window, I look back, she waves 'goodbye' to me and I reply the same wave. And with that, I fly higher and higher till the clouds..

My pov

Literally today is the best day ever. I mean, I never found someone who accepts me like Jack. It's been incredible! Now I just lay on my bed, thinking back what Jack and I did this whole day. Am I in love too fast? Because I just met him a day. I'm bored, maybe I can sing a song about him.
"When the lights go out, he's all I ever think about. The picture burning in my brain, kissing in the rain. No, I can't forget my English love affair. "
I laugh a bit after I sang that song and little by little I start to fall asleep..

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