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I really enjoyed writing this, I hope you guys like it. Make sure to check out my other storys too.


Demi staggered up the drive way leading to her moms front door.Naya trailed behind barely able to walk in a straight line.

"Come on Dayna it'll be ok" Demi shouted back to her girlfriend who was now at the end of her mothers drive way.

"Demi stop it you're drunk, You naughty girl" Naya tried to be serious but couldn't help herself from laughing at her girlfriend who was now twerking and grinding the piller on the porch of her mothers house singing "when you're ready come and get it" at the top of her lungs.

"Dayna I can 229% gurantee I Demetria Lovato is not drunk" she said back trying to be sober.


"Yes Dayna what is it?"

"It is 2:30 Am stop shouting you'll wake the neighbours and my name is Nay-."

Demi was paying no attention to Naya instead she was unbottoning her shirt.

"Oh my gosh Demi!!!"

"What Dayna quit nagging me you remind me of my mother"

"Put your top back on and I'll stop"

Demi took her top and threw it on to the roof of her moms car.

"What top, I was never wearing a top?" she giggled.

Altough both the girls were drinking Demi was the one who was out of control.

"Now I know where you got  your song lightweight from" Naya laughed.

"And what's that supposed to mean Ms.Rivera?" Demi demanded

"I mean you're a drunken mess and you barely had anything to drink?"

"I'm a drunken mess? You were the one that got us kicked out of the bar! Remember?"

"Hey I saw that girl, she was ready to stick her tongue back your troath"

"You didn't have to hit her tough"

"Atleast I'm not outside my little sister's window pissed and half naked" she replied with a smirk on her face.

"Hey that reminds me" Demi took a few steps back so she could see Madisons window. "Madison,Madi come down and open the door it's Demi your gorgeous sister" she said flicking her hair and striking a pose at Naya.

"Naya I don't think she can hear me , hand me that rock I'll toss it at her window"

"No way if you break that window I'm not taking the blame"

"whatever you pussy"Demi stuck her tongue out at Naya and went to get a rock by the door but just as she bent down to get it, the door opens and right infront of her stands her mother and a tired looking Madi.

"See mom I told you it was Demi" Madison said with a big smile on her face.

"Demi was that you making all that noise? and why are you in a bra? and who is your friend?", Her mother shouted furious at her daughter.

Demi turns around to Naya and says "See I told you, you remind me of my mom. Both of you are forever giving out to me! You guys could be twins"

"Excuse me?",her mother said, getting angrier by the second. 

"Well don't just stand there Demi get your ass inside. Now!!!" her mother stepped aside and let Demi through. "And you too ms. Come on. In!" she shouted at Naya

Naya wobbled her way up the driveway and into the house. Demi's mom shut the door and ordered Madison to go to bed.

"Night Mad" Demi gave Madison a hug and a kiss.

"Demi you smell funny" her little sister said trying not to laugh.

"Madison you wanna know why Demi smells funny" her mom said. "It's because Demi was being bad and was drinking alcohol. That's why she smells funny. Now head on back up to bed sweetie".

"Wait Madison don't listen to her" Demi shouted " Come back, the real reason I  smell funny is becaused I peed my pants  and I have some hot girls blood on me , so get your facts right mom. Now gallop on back to bed my little unicorn."

Demi really was pissed she would have never dared tell Madison anything like that sober. Atleast not infront of her mom.

Once Madison was back up in bed and tucked in. Demi's mom came back down the stairs to Demi and Naya who were now in the living room.

"So Demi care to answer my question from awhile ago"

"Oh yeah, mom ok. Number one. Yes it was me making the noise outside. Number two. My top is on the roof of your car and Number 3. this is Naya". She gave her mom a big smile. She felt quiet proud she was able to remember her questions.

"Your a mess" Demi's mom looked at her in disgust."The two of you go up to bed. We can talk in the morning when you're sober and somewhat decent looking."

Demi moaned "But I'm hung-".

"Demi don't start just go to bed".

"Ok fine" she huffed. She grabbed Naya's hand and pulled her in the direction of the stairs."Come on Dayna lets go to bed."

"It's Naya",She snapped at Demi.

They both then staggered up the stairs and into bed fully clothed.

--------------------------------------------------I will post what happens the next morning if I get enough Reads,Votes and comment. So please let me know what you all think. :)

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