At The VMA's

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"Naya are you ready?" Demi shouted to Naya who was in the bathroom the last 30 minutes getting ready.

Demi and Naya are attending the VMA's. Demi has been nominated for 'Best female artist' and Naya is going along not only to support but to finally confirm to the public that they're a couple.

Naya came down the stairs to a beautiful looking Demi who was wearing a long red ball gown and black heels with Gold studs. Her painted black nails were holding a black clutch with Gold studs to match her heels and her lips were a bright luscious cherry red to match her dress. She looked like an elegent rock chick.

"Wow" Nayas mouth fell open as she stared at Demi "You look absoultly amazing" she said stroking Demi's hair which was to a loose messy bun at the back of her head.

"I look good? Naya,baby have you looked at yourself?" Demi smerked.

Demi looked Naya up and down who also looked amazing. Naya was wearing a sparkley little black dress with Red heels. Her and Demi hadn't planned it but their clothes co-ordinated really well. Like Demi Naya was also wearing red lipstick but in a darker shade. Her hair was down in big black curls that stopped just below her waist.

"You look beautiful!!" Demi hugged Naya tight. "I'd kiss you but I would destroy you in lipstick" Demi giggled.

"It's ok" she laughed taking Demi's hand.

Demi and Naya made their way to their car still holding hands. They knew if they wanted to tell people they were public they would have to show as many 'public displays of affection' as they could so the paparazzi could snap them. Normally the girls hated paparazzi but they needed them for this.

Demi and Naya finally arrived at the venue where the VMA's were being held.

Demi stepped out of the car first and then gave Naya her hand to help her. "Thank you" Naya smiled

They both linked and made their way up the red carpet. They stopped a few times to get pictures taken. Paparazzi started shouting at them "Naya are you and Demi a couple?" "Demi is Naya your girlfriend?" "Give us a kiss!!".

Demi whispered into Naya's ear "I think we make them horny" she laughed. Naya laughed back.

The girls did not respond to the questions but took hold of each others hand with their fingers locking together. This made the paps go crazy and they started shouting frantically at them.

Both Naya and Demi's security told them they had to move on inside. So they did so.

"Well that was hectic" Naya breathed out heavily. "and thats only the begining." Demi added. The girls walked in hand in hand. They greeted a few other celebrities they knew.

Demi was leading Naya over to her seat when she heard a girl call her.

She turned around to see a bubbly Selena Gomez.

"Demi oh my gosh I've missed you so much. You look amazing" Selena screeched hugging Demi tight.

"Sel!!! aw thank you but look at you" Demi looked her up and down.

"Aw thanks." Selena smiled.

"Oh Sel this is Nay-" Demi was cut off.

"Naya Rivera oh my gosh I'm a big fan" Selena said shaking Naya's hand.

"Thank you" she blushed

"Are you nominated tonight?" Selena asked Naya.

"Um no" She smiled "I'm here to support Dem"

"Aw that's sweet" Selena looked at Demi who was blushing.

"Selena we need to get you seated!" a man called over.

"Well I guess I better go. Good luck tonight Demi" she hugged her once again. "And nice meeting you Naya" Selena smiled and walked to her seat.

"She's nice" Naya smiled.

"Yeah she is. So do you wanna sit?" Demi asked.

"Yeah" Naya led Demi over to their seats and Sat down.

The awards were half way through when it got to Demi's category.

"And the nominies are." The host Mario Lopez said.

Mario went through the other 6 nominies one who was Demi's close friend Taylor swift.

"And the winner is."

Naya squeezed Demi's hand tight.

"The winner of  Best Female Artist goes to the one and only .....................DEMI LOVATO." Marios voice echoed through the large room.

Both Naya and Demi stood up with excitment. "Babe you won" Naya said giving Demi a big kiss on her lips forgetting everyone around her. Demi pulled away "Oh my gosh Naya, We're on the big screen" She blushed giving her girl a peck on the lips before she made her way towards the stage.

If that kiss wasn't enough proof Demi couldn't of made it more clear in her speech.

Oh my gosh wow. This is amazing.

wow. ok. Um I would like to thank everybody who voted for me you are all amazing. I would like to thank everybody who has supported me through these last few years I honestly wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you guys. Shoutout to all my Lovatics. I have the best fans ever, such an amazing support. But last and definatley not least I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the one person who has been there for me and has loved me for me. So yeah I want to thank my beautiful girlfriend Naya. I love you so much Nay.

Thank you.

Demi held up her award and everybody started cheering and clapping. She found her way back stage. Naya followed her back.

"So proud of you" Naya kissed Demi again. This is what the paparazzi had been waiting for and the girls knew it so they decided to put on a show.

Demi cupped Nayas face and Slowly but passionatley deepend the kiss. The paparazzi went crazy. Everyone huddled around snapping pics even some celebs took a few pics.

But the girls forgot all about their plan to get noticed.They forgot all about the paparazzi around them and they kissed until they couldn't breath.

"I Love you" Demi smiled breaking the kiss. The girls were then braught out to their car. They wern't able to go to the after party because they were filming for Glee the next morning so they went straight home and ordered pizza.

The next day on the set of glee. Ryan Murphy went up to Demi and Naya who were in the lounge area. "It's nice to see you girls carrying out your roles off camera" he chuckled throwing a Newspaper onto Naya's lap.

The picture of Demi and Naya kissing before she went up to get her award was on the front page.

Both girls blushed.

"I'm just kidding!" Ryan laughed "I'm happy for you both. and Demi congrats on last night" Ryan smiled and walked away.

The girls got thousands of tweets that day commenting on 'Daya' (their -ship name.) Saying "how cute they are" and how "cute" their kiss was.

The girls could finally relax and be with eachother without stressing. They were finally able to be the couple they longed for.

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