We Need Our Own Lilly!

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It had been months since the girls finally came out at the VMA's. They were finished filiming Glee and were newly engaged. Demi proposed to Naya at her 23rd birthday party a week ago. Naya said yes and they plan on having a wedding soon.


Naya awoke to crying. "Demi your turn" She said sleepishly pushing at her girlfriend who was fast asleep across from her. Demi didn't budge.

"Baaaabe!!" Naya whined.

"Mmmm?" Demi moaned wondering what Naya wanted.

"Lilly is awake, give her her bottle" Naya mumbled falling back to sleep.

Demi's eyes were closing until she heard the baby cry.

She jumped up out of bed a little too fast makeing her dizzy.

As she stumbled towards the door she called out

"Hold on Lilly I'm coming sweetie".

She found her way down the hall to Lilly who was sniffling in her cot.

Demi reached in and picked her up carrying her over to the rocking chair where she sat down with her. She got the bottle from the dressing table and placed it into the babys mouth.

"Now beautiful fall back to sleep" She leaned down and placed a kiss on the infants head.

Demi slowly began rocking back and forth cradeling the child in her arms while she guzzled on her bottle. Once Lilly had her bottle finished Demi sat her up and burped her. She rubbed the babys back in circular motions often makeing her burp and sometimes spew. She cleaned Lilly up, put the bottle down and rocked her to sleep.

Demi found her way back to bed once Lilly had fallen asleep.

She layed down next to her fiance and cuddled in to her chest.

"Thank you" a whisper escaped Naya's mouth.

"I taught you were sleeping" Demi giggled.

"I was you woke me getting into  bed silly" she lightly kissed demi's nose.

"Oh sorry just fall back to sleep baby" Demi placed her nose into.the crook of Nayas neck and both girls fell asleep.


That morning Demi found Naya in the kitchen feeding Lilly breakfast.

"Morning" She yawned rubbing the babys head before she placed a kiss on Naya.

"Morning" Naya smiled into the kiss.

"How long have you been up" She sat down beside Naya who had a highchair placed infront of her.

"Um about an hour this one.." Naya nodded her head at a smileing Lilly . "... Was starving. Did you forget to feed her last night?" Naya teased.

"Excuse me? That niece of yours scoffed down a full bottle in 5 minutes last night." Demi laughed playing with Lillys hand.

"She's always hungry" Naya laughed.

"Yeah just like her auntie" Demi smirked.

"Shut up" Naya playfully punched Demi's shoulder.

"Well this niece of mine needs to get her breakfast ate because her mommy is gonna be here in about a half hour to pick her up" Naya said putting a spoonfull of food into Lillys mouth.

"Aw really? does she have to go I'll miss her" Demi said sticking her tongue out at the baby who was now laughing.

"How do you think her mom feels? She's probably missing her too" Naya said leaning her head into Demi.

"I know but the weekend with this cutie isn't long enough" Demi sighed

Both Naya and Demi sat looking at Lilly for a few seconds.

"Well" Naya broke the silence "Maybe we need our own Lilly" She smiled rubbing her hand on her stomach.

"I wish" Demi giggled.

"Demi I mean it, I think we are ready" Naya smiled nervous.

Demi's eyes grew wide and a smile appeard on her face "Really? 'cause I'm ready when you are"

"Well it will be tough but we have the money and I'm ready so?" Naya stared at Demi.

"So, we're having a baby?" Demi stood up in excitment.

"Yeah I think so" Naya stood up too

Demi jumped up and down then placed a big kiss on Naya taking her in her arms and dipping her back.

"I love you so much Naya Rivera soon to be Lovato" Demi leaned in for a kiss again.

Naya blushed "I love you too babe" she mumbled into the kiss.

Demi pulled away and picked Lilly out of the high chair. " Hey Lil did you hear that? Your gonna have a cousin" She said planting little kisses all over the babys face making her giggle and coo.

A knock arrived at the front door.

"That must be mommy Lilly" Naya made her way out of the kitchen soon returning.

"Demi don't say anything to my sister I want to wait ok" She smiled.

"Yeah ok fair enough" Demi grinned back.


Naya answered the door to her sister.

"Hey Nick" She hugged the younger girl.

"Hey" Naya's sister Nickayla smiled.

They began to walk to the kitchen.

"Was Lilly good" Nickayla asked.

"Yep she's was an angel. Only woke up once last night for a bottle but Demi sorted her" Naya smiled.

Naya and Nickayla arrived in the kitchen to Demi changing the babys Diaper.

Once the baby was changed she picked her up handing her to her mother.

"Hey Lilly did you miss mommy?" Nickayla cooed.

The baby smiled and laughed at her mother. " I don't mean to rush off Nay but I've to pick mom up so I gotta go" Nickayla said grabbing Lillys baby bag.

"Yeah it's ok. I'll see you out" Naya smiled.

Demi stood up and walked over to Lilly who was hiding in her mothers neck. "I'll see you soon sweetie" She said kissing the back of Lillys head.

"Bye Demi" Nickayla said giving her a hug.

"See you" She giggled.

Naya showed her sister and niece out and found her way back to Demi.

"So Demi grab the laptop we need to find a doctor who is gonna help us get our baby" Naya smiled as she sat down at the table.

"I'm on it" Demi stood up and gave Naya a kiss before she ran up the stairs to get her laptop.

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