Picnic In The Woods

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Demi turned on the engine as Naya got into the car.

"Please tell me where we're going" Naya pouted

"I can't it'll ruin the surprise" Demi said in a soft voice. "Now buckle up" She smiled leaning over to the passenger seat to plant a kiss on Naya.

"Ok"Naya huffed. "this better be good" she smerked

"We'll just have to wait and see won't we" Demi winked.

Demi then put on her sunglasses she had left in the glove department and drove out the electric gates to her house.

The girls had been on the road for about 20 minutes when they pulled into a gas station. Naya sat in the car listening to the stereo while Demi got out  to fill it up with gas.

Naya then stepped out of the car.

"Hey Dem I'm just gonna go into the store and get water. Do you want one?" Naya said smiling.

"Yeah sure!" She smiled back.

Naya walked towards the store.

"Oh wait" Demi shouted over to Naya.

Naya turned out around to face Demi "Yeah?"

"Will you give the money for the gas" Demi said waving a 10 dollar bill at Naya indicating for her to take it.

"Oh ok, but its on me!" Naya smiled and walked away before Demi could disagree.

Once Naya came back with their water Demi pulled out of the gas station and continued on their journey.

Demi drove with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding Nayas hand. They had the windows down and the stereo blaring, Singing along whenever one of their favourite songs came on.

"So is it much further?" Naya asked.

"Um" Demi looked out the window and looked at a street sign reading the roads. "Nope about another 15 minutes I promise" she said to her bored girlfriend.

"Ok" Naya smiled.

15 minutes later Demi parked the car into a parking space outside the opening to a forest. She then turned off the cars engine.

"we're here. Kinda." She said looking at Naya.

"What do you mean kinda" Naya asked confused staring out the window into the forest.

"The place I want to show you is in the forest" Demi said opening her door.She then went around to Nayas side and opened her door to let her out.

"well arn't you sweet" Naya said stepping out of the car and grabbing her girlfriends hand locking their fingers together.

Demi blushed. "Ok I want to reveal the first part of your surprise"Demi said leading Naya to the trunk.

"Nay, close your eyes" Demi commanded. Naya did so.

Demi opened the trunk of her car,took something out and closed it again.

"Open" Demi said to Naya.

Naya opened her eyes to see a picnic basket in Demis hands.

"So I want to show you a really special place in the woods and maybe we can eat?" Demi asked looking for her girls approval.

"Aw yes" Naya answered with a wide smile on her face.She then leaned in and kissed Demi on the lips. They were getting into the kiss when Naya pulled away.

Demi groaned.

"Hey We'll have time for this later ok" Naya giggled.

Hand in hand both girls made there way into the forest.

They followed a path of purple flowers for a good five minutes.

At the end of the path was a cabin that sat beside a huge lake.

"We're here" Demi smiled Naya.

"Wow this place is gorgeous! Is it yours?" Naya was trying to take everything in. This place was so beautiful. The purple flower path led to a clearing in the woods where an oak varnished cabin sat. The cabin had a gigantic rose bush to the left of it and to the right a lake full of crystal clear water. There was a small boat tied down to the dock on the lake it had 'Lovato & Garcia' engraved on the side.

Demi answered Naya's previous question "Yeah it's mine. Well it's the family's" she smiled.

"Wow can this place get anymore beautiful" Naya exclaimed.

"Yep it can,look" Demi said pointing across the water to the now setting sun.

"can we go sit?" Naya asked

"Sure of course we can" Demi led Naya over to the dock

They took off there shoes and cuddled while they paddled there feet in the warm water.

"Thank you"Naya said still with her eyes focused on the water.

"I'm happy I can share this with you" Demi smiled tightening her grip on Naya's hand.

"And I'm happy I can share these with you" she smiled looking across to Demi. Naya leaned in and let her lips meet Demi's she slid her hands up her back , laying them softly on her shoulders. The kiss depend and Demi moved her hands down to Naya's waist pulling their body's closer together.

Naya turned her whole body and pushed Demi down without breaking the kiss. She was now lying on top of Demi with her hands tangled in her hair.

Their lips only ever parted slightly when air was needed. They layed there for what felt like hours kissing and cuddleing until Demi finally made the decision to head back to the car before it got too dark.

They got the untouched picnic basket and wandered back through the forest. When they got to the car it was dark. They then drove home im the dead of night.

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