Chapter #2: Shopping Disaster

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Ughhh! What the hell man it's already morning!?

I tried to open my eyes to look at the clock and it's 9:00AM already.

"SHIT!" I screamed very loudly and I'm sured my neighbors are freaking out right now.

I got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom washing my face. Wait where's Tyler? I ran to my closet, get changed and almost fall down the stair as I'm running faster than sonic.

*pant pant pant*

"Tay?" *pant pant*

"Enough sleep?" He stood in front of the door all dressed up staring at his cell phone.

"There you are.....I thought you left me" I sighed and walked to the fridge.

"No time for breakfast sleepyhead" he shoved his phone in his pocket and crossed his arms looking at my direction.

"Ughh! Who go to the mall at 9:00 in the morning anyway?"

"Tyler Harrington"

"Oh shut up!" I said with a sarcastic tone.

"You shut up. We're late" he opened the door and left.

I bit my bottom lip and slammed the refrigerator shut. Why he gotta act so bossy all the time? I followed behind and slammed the door shut once again as I got into his car.

"So where do you want to go?"

"I don't care"

I can see him smirking at me through the mirror. An award for the most annoying face in the world was nominated to Tyler fuckface. I giggled a little. Stop it Tiffany! Play it cool.

"What's so funny? I thought you were mad. Texting boys?" he made that fuckface again.

"So?" I looked out the window avoiding eyes contact through the mirror.

"So I don't believe you"

"Whatever" I shrugged. Please stop talking I need peace!

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at a really big mall. To be honest, I'm kind of excited because I've never shop here before. I usually buy clothes from the nearby store because I'm the one that save money.

Three minutes into the mall, people started staring at us. Us? Hahaha no. Let me rephrase that. People started staring at Tyler. I'm not surprise because every single movie that released with him in it are the number #1 hit.

Tyler seems to really love his fans. He said he's in a hurry but stopped to take pictures with every single fan who recognized him. I guess that's what it's like being famous huh? I don't know how he felt at the moment but I would be so annoyed and frustrated. Maybe it's because I'm not famous yet....not even close.

I sighed at my own thoughts. I need to get Tyler's attention or this will never end.

"Is that Tyler's younger sister?" Just as I'm trying to get Tyler's attention, a bunch of girls start pointing at me and whispered to their friends.

"Tiffany Harrington?" One of the girl looked directly at me and caught my attention.

"Huh?" I pointed to myself. Shit did they recognize me too? But how? I'm not even famous.

"You're Tyler's younger sister, right?" They smiled at me.

Shoot! What should I respond?
" did you get that information?" I faked a smile.

"Google! Duh!"
"Oh right"
"OMG I knew it! Can we take a picture with you?"

"Oh sure" I mean it doesn't hurt taking one picture....

Right IT doesn't HURT taking ONE picture but they took like 20 pictures. I waved them goodbye and sighed.

"Congratulations" Tyler stood in front of me and smiled while clapping.

"What?" I'm kind of confused. What's so special about that?

"Don't you get it? This could help your dream come true. If you get into a competition they might vote for you"

That's a good point. So I have to act all friendly and shit now? Well this might be the easiest way to earn votes, but first I gotta search for some kind of fashion competition. I'm not even into one yet.

Beside I'm really insecure about my body. I mean who would pick me as a winner? I probably fail in the first round.

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