Chapter #11: Big Start

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30 minutes after the sunset, Tyler came home. I rushed to the door and opened it for him. I can't wait to tell him about the contest. I greeted him nicely and walked with him to the living room. We sat on the big couch and Tyler turned on the TV to watch a soccer game.

Tyler is a big fan of soccer. He used to be a soccer player in high school and won some trophies. He still play soccer in his spare time with a bunch of his friends.

I can't wait any longer so I leaned closer to him and held his arm like any lover would do except we're sibling and I didn't mean it in a sexual way. Ewww. I smiled brightly at him until he noticed me and made the most confusing face I've ever seen.

"What?" He tried to get me off of him but I won't let go that easily.

"I want to tell you something" I smiled even brighter and looked at him deep in the eyes.

"Then spit it out! No need to hold me like this" he finally managed to get me off of him but my stubborn self won't quit that easily so I did the same thing again.

"You remember that fashion contest you told me?"

"Uh huh" he nodded.

"Well, guess what?"

"You're planning on signing up?"

"You guessed it"

"Tiff, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you! You finally get to do something you love, your passion!" He hugged me tightly and I giggled softly while hugging him back.

I can't tell how excited I am right now. I know I haven't win anything yet but deep down in my heart, I know that at least I get to try out what I've been loving. Who knows. Maybe I could win this if I try hard enough. And if I don't win, it's okay. I can always try again another time when my chance comes.

Let's not think about losing. I need to focus on tomorrow. It's going to be a big start and I can tell this will be a huge change in my life wether I win or lose.

My eyes won't close that night. I can't fall asleep at all. It's midnight and my eyes are wide open. Dammit Tiffany! You have to go to sleep now or else you'll be late tomorrow.

I tried my best to stop thinking about any possible scenarios for tomorrow and one hour later, my brain decided to rest then I drifted to sleep peacefully.

The next morning, I arrived at Utopia, the biggest fashion corporation in Los Angeles. I'm so pumped to step inside this gigantic building and see how beautiful it truly is.

I opened the golden glass door and a smell of lavender hit me. It smell so good. It's almost like heaven.

I looked around the building and saw a long line in front of the counter. Aww man! Hundreds of people are already here. That means I have to wait in line for the next one hour or more.

I groaned and stomped toward the counter. I didn't read the sign because I was too annoyed to notice the wet floor caution. My clumsy self tripped and fell to the ground.

I looked around and all I can see was hundreds of people eyeing me. I know what they're thinking. Oh my god she's such a klutz. How can you become a model if you're clumsy? No one gonna hire you. Go home you're drunk.

Every horrible thoughts popped up in my head that I forgot to get up. I laid on the disgusting wet floor until I felt someone held my hand and helped me up.

It's Daniel, the one and only Daniel Hart. I didn't know what to say or do. I felt like If I perform any action it would be embarrassing, wrong, cringe and awkward so I'd rather stay still.

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