Chapter #7: The Drunk Me

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"Do you mind if I ask what your name is?" He looked deep into my dark brown eyes and smiled softly.

I wanted to look away so bad but it was so hard. It's like our eyes are interlocked together.

"Well, you just did" I smiled back nervously because I'll never know what this guy could do to me next. I mean he didn't grab my butt or do anything to harm me but I got this fuckboy vibe since the first time I saw him.

"So?" He raised one of his eyebrow.

"T-Tiffany" I stuttered a little bit. Why do I feel so nervous. Okay Tiffany calm the fuck down.

"Beautiful name" he smirked.

We kept dancing for a little while. He didn't ask me anything though and I don't know what to say either. The longer the silence is the harder I blushed.

"Uhh..." I tried to make some noise.
"Hmm?" He glanced at me.
"Y-you're not going to tell me your name?" I still look down at the floor because I don't want him to see me blushing. It's so embarrassing and weird. Why do I even blush?!

"You don't know who I am?" He was shocked in a playful way. How am I suppose to know you? I don't even care about celebrities anymore.

I shook my head giving him a sign that I have no clue at all.

"I'm Daniel Hart, does that ring the bell?" he introduced his full name. Nope, no hope at all. I'm too lazy to try to remember this name but I believed I heard the name Daniel a few times.

I shook my head again and I can clearly hear him laughing at my innocence.

"Whatever at least you can look it up now" he smirked. AGAIN.

"What?" I looked at him this time.

"Nothing" he winked at me.

Pshh! I'm not attracted to that fuckboy. I tried not to show much expression on my face so he doesn't know what I'm thinking.

"So do you want a drink? I'm kind of thirsty" he made it sound so dirty! I hate this guy attitude already! But to be honest, I'm thirsty too so why bother getting my fat ass to the bar when I can just stand here and wait.

"Alright, I'll have some champagne"
"Got it" he winked at me again. I watched him as he walked away into the bar.

Okay time to find a seat, I can't just stand here forever. Plus my legs are already sore after dancing with Daniel.

I looked around and saw a small table still available though with two seat beside it so I walked quickly toward it and sat down.

I sighed because that short trip made me sweat. Man! This dress is way too tight and my heels is longer than a guy penis. Uhh...maybe not but whatever, at least I look good.

"Hey! You're okay?" Tyler stood next to me and smiled brightly. I'm so glad to see him! I thought he left already.

"Nahh I'm fine" I smiled back.

"Can I take a sit?" He asked politely. What's wrong with Tyler tonight? Is he trying to be a good brother because that's working. Usually he would push me from my seat and sit on it.

"Uhhh.....I'm accompanied"

"Oooh...well don't wanna ruin your night. See you around, Tiff" he put his hand in his pocket and walked away.

I sat there alone for a few minutes until Daniel came and handed me a glass of champagne. I thanked him and took a sip.

Ahhhh delicious! At this point I started to get addicted and asked for more. Everytime I drink champagne, I always want more and more AND more.

Thirty minutes later, I started to feel dizzy. I can barely see Daniel's face clearly. Everything is blurry now.

I leaned toward Daniel very closely. Our nose almost touched. I could feel his warm breathe as I leaned closer. I smelled alcohol and smiled as I stared deeply into his light blue eyes.

"What are you doing?" Daniel expression turned serious all of sudden.

I giggled "kis---!" I can't help but threw up all over the place included Daniel's expensive suit.

"Shit! Tiffany! You're drunk, aren't you!?" He quickly get up and used a handkerchief in his pocket to wipe my puke off this suit.

"Sorry" I giggled and took a paper towel from a box on the table to wipe my mouth.

"This is not funny!" He threw the handkerchief on the floor and looked around to see if anyone can help but then he changed his mind and walked toward me.

"I need MOREEEE" I rapidly hit his chest while screaming for more champagne.

"Okay then just come with me" He smirked and winked at me. If I wasn't drunk I would glare deadly into his soul but a drunk me is exactly the opposite.

"You're hot when you do that thing with your lips and eyes" I winked and bit my lips. I did this in the mirror once and it was awkward as fuck so I'm pretty sure he's weirded out right now.

He didn't respond anything and picked me up then proceeded to carry me outside the building.

"Put me down! Weirdo!" I hit his chest a bunch of time.

"You said you want more champagne right? I'm taking you there." He laid me down in his car and closed the door as he walked to another side of the car and hopped into the driver's seat.

"Sit tight" he drove really fast. I wonder where he's taking me? What's the rush? Well this doesn't seem like the way to my house but who cares! FREE DRINKS! I screamed on the inside and danced to the radio in the car.

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