Chapter #5: Paradise

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"We're here" Tyler parked his car in a huge parking lots filled with luxury cars.

I got out of the car and readjusted my dress. Perfect! Alright let's go in there and talk to people. Haha me? Talking to people? Let me rephrase that. Let's go in there and stand by the food table so I can eat all the delicious food.

"Tiff? Follow me" Tyler finally got out of his car and lead me to the entrance.

Wow this place is huge! I mean obviously you can already tell by looking at the damn parking lots. This building almost look like a hotel, very tall and filled with white and gold paint.

So this is where rich people party huh? Even though I came from a very well-known household, I never knew this such place exists. I can't appreciate this place enough to be honest. I can stand here for hours describing this masterpiece.

As we get close to the entrance, there is a gigantic white door with two security guards standing next to it each side.

"Welcome sir" one of the security guard opened the door and welcomed us.

The moment I stepped inside this building, the first thing I saw was a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"This place is beautiful...." I mumbled.

"I've been here like a million time" Tyler chuckled.

"Oh shut up! Don't ruin my excitement" I punched his shoulder lightly.

"Alright alright I won't" he continue to chuckle and shook his hand.

I don't know where we're going but I kept looking around because this place is like a museum. There's arts and sculptures everywhere. I legitimately wanted to take picture with every single things in this party.

"Okay first I want to introduce you to my director Adam" Tyler pointed to a bearded guy standing next to a mermaids sculpture talking to a bunch of good looking guys.

Adam Barton! I watch his movies all the time. He's such a talented director. He writes and direct everything in his movie. I mean I can't even write or direct my life.

"Hey Adam" Tyler shook Adam's hand.

"Tyler! Good to see you here"
"I've never missed any of the party"
"Haha right right"

Tyler glanced at me and gave me a sign that it's my turn to introduce myself. I thought he was going to introduce me to Adam? Ughhh! Now I have to do it myself. Okay Tiffany calm down! Just shake his hand, tell him your name and say how much you love his work.

I took a deep breath and reached my hand out toward Adam. Luckily he noticed and shook my hand.

"Hello! I'm Tiffany Harrington" I forced myself to spit the words out and it worked.

"Oh my! Tyler, Is this your sister that you were talking about?" Adam raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Tyler.

"Yeah you told me to invite her so I did. She's really happy to join us" Tyler nodded and smiled happily.

Adam chuckled and turned to look at me. "Haha I'm glad you decided to join us. I'm Adam Barton, the director of The Unlucky Romance"

"I'm a big fan of your movies! I watched every single one of them and I can't wait to see this one once it's out. It's an honor to meet a talented person like you" I smiled brightly.

Well done Tiffany! You finally encourage yourself to speak!

"Thank you young lady. I get that a lot. I really appreciate that you take your time to watch my movies. By the way, don't be shy to walk around, eat or dance" Adam said politely.

A few minutes later, I reached my destiny. I stood next to a big table filled with every kind of food. I was reaching for some chocolate and then  I felt a big hand groping my butt.

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