Obsession-Chapter Four

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Rosemary stood in front of Anthony as he unhooked her bra, smiling at her perky breast. He rubbed one of her pink nipples with his finger and kissed her.

"Take off your pants" he ordered, unzipping his own.

"This room smells like booze" she said, aware that he was not paying attention. He undressed and pulled down her skinny jeans. She sat on the edge of his bed. "Have you been drinking?"

"Does it matter?" he pushed her down and climbed on top of her naked body. He placed his hands on her thighs and spread them apart. His grin grew wider.

"What if I don't want to have sex with a drunk boy?"

Still grinning, he placed his hands between her legs. "Your pussy tells a different tale." he laughed, grabbing her arms and pulling them over her head.

"What the fuck, Anthony. What am I to you a slut?" she gave him a shove, wiping the smile off his face.

"Jesus. What is it now? What did I do? I drank my parents wine? Oh wow, really? I could be doing much worse. I could be shooting up heroin." The disdain in his eyes stung her like a slap across the face. Sometimes, she thought Anthony hated her. She tried to push the thought out of her mind, deeming it silly. But moments like these she really did believe it

"It seems like you were having a private party in your room with all the bottles and the glasses." she sat up. Scanning the room.

"So?" He said, mockingly. "Do you think I have a problem? Should I join the AA?"

"Dammit, Ant. Why can't you take anything I say seriously? I care about you. What is going on?"

" You want to know what's going on?" he grabbed his groin." This is. I'm horny as fuck and I want some of that." He pointed between her legs.

She crossed her legs. "Is it your parent? Is the pressure getting to you, again?" She hated playing Dr. Phil with her boyfriend but sometimes she felt it was necessary in order to understand what was happening inside his head. She had always known Anthony was the type of guy that didn't like to talk about his feelings, or his thoughts for that matter. She was fine with it because she was not the type of girl that felt comfortable talking about hers either. Most of the time it worked out for the best. But lately, Rosemary had been noticing a change in her boyfriend's attitude. He seemed easily distracted or zoned out when she was around him. Sex was the only thing holding them together and that scared her.

It scared her to think he was probably seeing someone else, or even worse that he didn't find her interesting any more. She didn't know what had drawn him to her in the first place. At first, she didn't trust his intentions because of the history between their parents. So she had eyed him warily when he showed up to her games with a couple of his swim team buddies. There had been a lot of pressure from the girls on her team to approach him. But she had only approached him to satisfy her own curiosity. The way Anthony made her feel about herself captivated her. He had blue eyes that delve deep into her. She felt like a spotlight shone upon her; she was the star of his show. She was the one thing he cared about in the world. She grew accustomed to being his .She could not imagine having to look in on him from an outsider's point of view. It scared her to think that there was a possibility one day she would not be able to be a part of his life. She loved him because he had made her love herself. So when the time came she gave herself to him without any doubt or fear in her mind. She belonged to him as much as he belonged to her. But now she was losing her grip on him. She could feel it.

He glared at her, a cruel smile across his lips. "Sorry, I didn't know I was dating a shrink. What are you trying to do?"

"Honestly, nothing." she leaned forward and took his hand." Baby, please sit down and talk to me"

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