Chapter Sixteen

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Madison was waiting in front of Rosemary's bedroom when she came home after school.

"Mom knows," Rosemary said, staring at her sister who nodded.

"She took dad to the hospital. They had a huge fight and he fell down the stairs, but she should be back home soon. If I were you, Id leave before she got back."

The warning was in vain. Seconds later, the front door slammed shut. Madison quickly shut herself inside her bedroom before their mom could reached the top stair. Determined to face her mother's wrath with the remnant of dignity she had left, Rosemary didn't move.

"There you are." Mrs. Lafayette looked frailer than ever, her normally poignant gaze was, at the moment, lacking luster. The wrinkles at the side of her mouth were more pronounced than ever. "Why didnt you tell me? How could you allow the entire town to know, my friends, everyone we know, before your own mother? I can't help but to think you did this on purpose, tricked me into believing you were interested in Chris, but what you really wanted was to roll around in filth with that awful O'leary boy."

"If it helps, I'm not seeing him anymore. It's over between us. I broke it off."

Mrs Lafayette laughed, throwing her head back. Tears fell from her eyes and her face tightened with an expression of raw anger. "What does it matter you broke it off! He used you, and humiliated you. What does he or anyone care that you were the one to break it off? Please, don't be so stupid. I know that you're smarter than that. I told you for months that he only wanted to drag your reputation through the mud just like his mother did to your father." Hysterically picking at her blouse and stamping her feet on the carpet, Mrs Lafayette choked on her own sobs.

Seeing her mother struggling between rage and sorrow was shocking to her. Unable to articulate her emotions without breaking down, Rosemary stared at her mom in what appeared to be stubbornness.

"Your father almost lost his head when he heard it from your brother. Although you don't deserve it, you're his pride and joy, he adores you and to hear that a despicable sex video of you went viral, broke his heart. He wanted to kill that boy. He would have if I didn't stop him. He fell and fractured his neck."

"Was he drunk, again? How was that my fault? When will the guilt trip end, mom? Anthony has nothing to do with what his mom does for a living. Dad should've moved on a long time ago. There's plenty of job opportunities out there, but he prefers to live on your money and grandmas charity. It's about time you stop making excuses for him. As for me, I don't care he fractured his neck. Don't pretend it has anything to do with me. "

Mrs Lafayette made her eyes very small. "You are not to participate in any after school activity, including volley ball. I will call your coach first thing tomorrow morning. If you want me to continue your allowance, you will go straight to my boutique everyday after school. I'll arrange for one of the girls to bring you home when the shop closes. You will not, under any circumstances, see that boy. If you do, your allowance will be stopped and you are not allowed to leave this house unless accompanied by your brother."

"I'm not agreeing to that. I'm not a little girl."

Mrs Lafayette pointed to the stairs. "The front door is right over there. You abide by my rules, or leave, which is it?"

"Not once, did you ask how I felt."

Her mother made no answer, and the expression on her face did not change.

She bowed her head, weakened by her mother's attacks, the derisive nature her most intimate friends treated her that whole week and the continuous ridicule she would submit to from them on, Rosemary did not possess enough strength to fight her mother.

Through loving Anthony , she lost everything that mattered to her. She couldn't forgive him, and she couldn't forgive herself for letting him fool her for so long. Had he ever loved her or had it all been an act?

Alone in her room, she felt the walls closing in on her, suffocating her. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes welled up with tears. She threw a pillow at the mirror, curling up on her bed. Sleeping made time go by faster. Chris probably knew what to say to make things better, he always did.

He was a fallen angel sent from heaven to show her the path of light. What she shared with Anthony was not love. He lifted the veil over her eyes. She was worthy of so much more. She dialed his number, pressing the phone to her ear, half her face hidden under her tear stained pillow.

"Hey, Rosemary."

"I need to talk to you."

"You did good earlier. I'm really proud of you."

She smiled. "I feel like my world is falling apart, though."

He sighed. "You just took a big step in changing a big aspect of your life. I'd be scared, too."

"I can't tell if I hate him, or I love him." Her voice cracked as fresh tears slid down her face.

"You and me are different from most of the people in our school. You and me know who he really is. We have an advantage no one else has. That might make us outcast because we don't buy into our generation's bull shit standards, but I'd like to think of us as independent thinkers. My point is, you're not alone. We're together in this."

His voice a soothing melody in her ears. She felt the familiar warmth of someone who was falling in love. She couldn't speak, or even think.

"I don't know anyone like you. You're absolutely amazing."


She listened to his breathing.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"Can I see you, tonight? You make sense out of everything."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I just had a huge fight with my mom. Isn't it funny a few minutes ago I thought my life was over. Then I talk to you and you make me smile wider than I've ever smiled in years."

"I know you're hurt and I want heal you anyway I can."

"I know, but what other guy would want that. Or even admit to it."

He chuckled. "Don't forget you and me are in this together."

Every word he spoke struck her deep, leaving a mark. She didn't know what it was about him that captivated her. The sweetness of his words or the soothing quality of his voice. All she knew was that for the first time in four years, Anthony was far gone from her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2013 ⏰

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