13 ¤ about that date

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By the way sorry for the wait. .. writers block



I was laying in bed, coughing up a storm because I came up with a cold. I was minor so I just took some over the counter medicine and got some rest.

I had remembered that Justin wanted to take me out again today.

I had to text him and tell him I can't make it today.

I reached over to my dresser and got my phone, I went to Justin contact. I clicked the message button and started out my text.

Jayde: sorry Jay .. about that date I won't be able to go out with you today.. I'm sick baby

I few minutes later

Justin: aw are you okay? do you need anything?

I smiled thinking about how thoughtful he was. I shake my head I start on another reply

Jayde: no it's okay, that's nice of you to think of me though just a little cold.

Justin: OK but only one sneaky question. what are your favorite candies and ice cream.

I rolled my eyes at his sneaky-ness but I still told him anyway.

Jayde: OK I like reeses kitkat and sour patch kids also cookies and cream ice cream. Why?

Justin: you'll find out soon just get some rest. Ok?

Jayde: OK

Jayde presses the power button on her phone and sighs. She closes get eyes but first puts on some sort jazz music.

She loved listening to the wind instruments they sounded so graceful to her and it made her relax. If it had the right sound.

After her music was set she courses get eyes to get some rest.


Justin gets into his car and heads off to Walgreens to get Jayde some treats since she was sick.

First he goes to the candy isle abs picks up the candies Jayde told him she liked and some Hershey for himself.

He then walked over to the frozen isle to get her the ice cream. He picks it up them goes to get some spoons that had little purple flowers on them.

He goes to the cash register and checks out his items with a smile, having small talk with the cashier.

After his order was done the cashier told him to have a nice day , Justin returned the comment.

He gets in his cat and drives to Jayde's house. He get there hops his car and walks up to the front door and gives it a knock .

He greeted by Jayde's mom.

"Hello miss, I'm here to see Jayde.."he smiles

Jayde's mom looks at him and smiles

"Yes, of coarse Justin come in. " she takes his hand and pulls him inside the house.

"So what's that you got there? " she asks gesturing to the Walgreens bag in Justin's hand.

"Oh it's something to spoil Jayde since she's sick. " he smiles

"Aw that's so sweet of you Justin." She his him.

"Thank you." He says giving her back

"I'm gonna go upstairs, and Jayde is in her room"

"Thank you."

Justin starts to walk up the stairs of Jayde's house ready to surprise her in a few seconds.

He walks up to her room door and knocks, he doesn't get an answer. He tries again, when he doesn't get an answer the second time he just decides to let himsel in. Taking the risks of barging on something he's not supposed to see.

He walks in you see Jayde rest in her bed peacefully, smoothing jazz music playing next to her.

He smiles at the sound of the music loving the sax. He walks up to her bed and sits at the edge seeing the plastic bag siren on the floor

He lightly shakes get trying to hey hey awake.

Whispering "Jayde , Jayde wake up sweetie. "

Jayde groans and turns over "mhm?" She opens her eyes surprised to see Justin sitting next to her in bed.

She sits up slowly "Justin what are you doing here?" she asks with a really voice.

"I came to spoil you since you were sick. " he says

"Justin your crazy. " she smiles and lays back down

"I brought your favorites. " he said in a cheery voice.

"And what those be? "Jayde asks slightly smiling.

"Reeses kitkat and cookies and cream ice cream." Justin says nodding.

Jayde sits up again "oh wow thanks you Justin. But you should leave soon I don't want to make you sick." She says looking down.

"But I just got here." He says whining

"Yeah but you know what will happen Jay. " Jayde status taking ice cream from Justin looking in the bag to get a spoon.

"No it's fine. I rather stay here and take care of you getting sick , than leaving you alone to be lonely he says."

"Ok, fine you can stay but on cause you buttered me up, and thanks a lot for the food I really appreciate it." Jayde says hugging Justin

"No problem , anything for you jayde."

Justin takes off his jacket and lays in the bed with Jayde above the sheets , his arms around her waist as she slowly falls asleep.

short chapter ya I know I just kept you guys waiting for too long

Just try and give some ideas that I could work with.


Sorry for any spelling errors

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