Chicken And Ketchup

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Here we go... The Chicken And Ketchup saga. Now we're going to need a bit of background for this chapter.
~Swirly rotation (flashback)~
It all started one sunny day at my school. We were having a usual maths lesson,we were learning about tally charts. We started off easy by asking the class what flavours of yoghurt we liked. Everyone in the classroom was asked what flavours of yoghurt we liked,I answered mine (fyi it's cherry) but then the boy next to me answered and he said 'CHICKEN AND KETCHUP' after that all his friends started screaming 'CHICKEN AND KETCHUP' our maths teacher never liked the boy next to me so it made things a million times worse for him.
~ Swirly Rotation back to present time~
That quote is long gone now,but was recently said in my class. You can guess it was one of those moments where everyone's silent and then everyone bursts into laughter.
The person who created Chicken And Ketchup is going to be called....
BlondeFishMidget! There we go! A blonde fish and a midget. Can't get any better 😂 no just joking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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