Chapter Seventeen

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The sun was shining in Skylar's face when she finally awoke. Looking up she saw the clock by her bed and groaned seeing it was nearly eleven. She changed out of the clothes she'd slept in and quickly slipped into some black jeans and a gray tank before she stomped down the stairs.

"Well look who finally rose from the dead," Letty said while Skylar poured herself a cup of coffee then added sugar to it.

"How do you do this every week?" Skylar asked stirring her coffee, "My head is pounding and I can't keep my eyes open."

"Sounds like you're hung over," Dom said refilling his mug with coffee.

"That's funny seeing as how I didn't drink last night."

"You sure?" Dom asked raising a brow.

"Yes, I'm sure. Yesh why the fuck would I lie about something so stupid?" Skylar said annoyed.

Skylar's words caused Letty to raise a brow at her.

"Sorry," Skylar muttered before taking a sip of her coffee, "I just don't like it when people question me after I've made something perfectly clear."

"Here," Dom said tossing her a bottle of aspirin.

"Thanks," Skylar said opening the bottle then popped two of the pills in her mouth and washed it down with her coffee.

"Roman's been calling since eight; guess he wants to see his car."

"Doesn't surprise me," Skylar said getting up and pouring herself another cup of coffee then leaned against the counter, "Guess we could head out after I finish this cup of coffee."

Dom nodded already pulling out his phone.

"You better be callin to tell me you're on your way," Roman said.

"Be there soon," was all Dom said.

"What do you mean soon? Dom, you had better-" Roman started but Dom hung up before he could finish.

Skylar and Letty looked at Dom in amusement.

"I take it he's ready to look at his baby," Skylar said making quotation marks with her index fingers.

"Yeah, and the sooner the better," Dom said glancing at his phone.

"I take it that's him again," Skylar said as he glanced down at his phone.

"Yeah, so you ready?"

Skylar nodded finishing the last of her coffee, "Let's go."

Dom gave Letty a quick kiss as Skylar grabbed her jacket then they both headed out the door. The drive to the garage was quick and quiet. Dom could tell Skylar was nervous and slowed the car down as the garage came into sight.

"He'll like it Skylar now will you stop gripping the seat like you're going to death row?"

Skylar let go of the seat and looked at Dom as they pulled into the parking lot.

"But what if you're wrong? What if-"

Dom shut off the car and looked at her, "How many times do I have to tell you to quit doubting yourself?"

Skylar shrugged her shoulders and sighed, "Sorry?"

Dom shook his head at her and got out of the car.

"Bout damn time!" someone said behind Skylar causing her to jump. She started to raise her fist as she turned but Dom stopped her.

"Easy! It's just Roman!" he shouted as he darted around the car.

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