Chapter 1 ~ The Toddlers of Terror!

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~ Chapter 1 ~

The snow crunched under my feet as I walked along the sidewalk. Whenever I exhaled, mist hung in the air. Snow in New York City in Novemeber. Just another way to freeze my bandana off.

I turned into the nearest apartment building and took the elevator. When the floor went to the number 3, the doors slid open and I walked down the hall.

I went to the door with the number "314" on it and knocked. Which meant floor three, room fourteen.

A few seconds later the door opened to a woman in her late twenties. Marnie.

"Nick! Your here!" She beamed happily.

"Yeah, and its freezing out Marnie. You better dress warmly." I said as she ussered me inside.

She laughed. "I bet it is." She turned to the living room. "Boys! Nick is here!" She called.

A milasecond later, two little blonde boys were running at me chanting, "Ninja Nicky! Ninja Nicky!"

They both leaped at me. I caught one in my arms and the other ran at my legs and clung to my right one.

Marnie smiled and rolled her eyes. "Boys, behave for Nick. And Nick, I will be back around 10, the boys go to sleep around 9 and feel free to eat whatever you want." She said.

I nodded my head as the boy in my head tugged at my bandana. "Okay Marnie, have fun at dinner!"

As soon as the door clicked shut I beamed happily at the boys.

"Who wants to play a game?!" I said excitedly.

They both smiled. "Me! Me! Me! I do! I do!"

Sorry, I am getting a head of myself. I do that a lot. My name is Nickolette, but if you call me that, you will end up in the emergency room with all your bones broken. I am 15, soon to be 16, and I have brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin.

Am I a ninja? Yes. Am I a mutant? Yes. A famous teenage muatan ninja turtle? No. I am a human, with mutant powers I guess. I do have a green bandana, though. So my powers are, well the ones I know about, I can mimick voices, fly, levate things, sense people's emotions, a Hulk slap thing, heal, create things out of thin air, and for some reason a certain part on my body bursts into flames. Like my arms or legs. Once it happened to my head...

Anyway, I was babysitting twin three year olds. Their names are Tyler and Trevor. They both have white, blonde hair and blue eyes. Tyler was the one in my arms and Trevor was the one holding onto my leg. For some reason he likes to do that...

I set Tyler down and detached Trevor from my right leg. "Okay guys, what game do you want to play?"

They looked at each other, then at me. "Ninjas!"

Yeah, they know I am a ninja. I accidently made my Katana appear and ever since I got the nickname "Ninja Nicky" from them.

I sighed. "Okay then, go get your bandana's!"

They squeeled with delight and ran out of the room to come back with a strip of black cloth each. I tied one strip around one of their forheads. And then did the same to the other.

"Now what do we have to do guys?" I asked, pretneding I didn't know.

"Weapons! Weapons!" They chanted.

I grinned. "Okay, then close your eyes and NO peaking!" I said sturnly.

They both smiled and put their hands over their eyes. I turned my back to them a made a plastic Katana and a plastic pair of Sais appear.

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