Chapter 4 ~ Class Course In Annoying

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~ Chapter 4 ~

"WAKE UP NICKOLETTE!" Hollard Bekka in my ear.

I threw a pillow at her. "Call me Nickolette again and I will throw you out of this room." I groaned.

"Its time for school so wake up!" She yelled in my ear again.

"Fine, just please shut up." I moaned.

Bekka smirked and threw the pillow back at me.

"Oh, ha ha. Throw the girls pillow right back at her." I said sarcasticly.

"Yep now get dressed!" She ordered.

I rolled my eyes and got dressed. I put on a tee shirt and ripped jeans. Bekka put on a blue tank top with a jean jacket that had the sleaves ripped off and a skirt.

I grabbed my duffle bag and headed out. Bekka was right behind me.


I plopped down in my seat. I looked around.

"Where is everyone?" I asked Bekka.

She shrugged. "Casey told me Mrs. Chas was talking a small part of the class to the Office."

I frowned. "Why?"

"I dunno. I'm just glad we're in the last group."

"Yeah, but so is Jessie." I pointed out.

Jessie is Bekka, April and I's mortal enemy. She is a orphan like I was. She has long blonde hair and gray eyes. She is seriously a @#$%& and trust me, I only use that word for her.

Casey and April walked in. Hmm, how to descripe them...well I'll tell you about Casey first. Casey Jones, well when you pass him on the street, you'll wanna clear a path. He has sruffy black hair back in a black bandana. He wears a long sleve shirt with a ripped vest and worn out jeans. He usually always cares around his hockey stick.

Then there is April. April O'Neil. She has ginger hair, pale skin, big blue owl eyes and a sprinkle of freckle below her eyes. As usual she wore her hair in a ponytail with a yellow headband. She wore her yellow "5" shirt like mine, shorts with black leggings under it, and her black ugg boots.

"Hey guys!" Beamed April as she sat down to my left. Casey sat in front of me.

"Hey April. So why is Mrs. Chas taking some parts of the class somewhere?" I asked.

"Because," she said. "Apparently the chemicals in chemistry are 'unsafe' since that past few weeks they have been mixed."

Bekka smiled. "And that is because Miss Katana over here likes to mix them!" She pointed out, gesturing towards me.

I held my hands up in defense. "If they don't want people mixing them, then they should lock them up."

"They do." Said Casey.

I blushed. "Then they should only have one key for it!"

"They do. You got ahold of it." He said again.

I grinned. "Then they should have locked up that key with another key."

"They did that too. Thats how you got ahold of the other key." He said yet again.

"Then this school really needs to get to know me better." I said, putting my hands behind my head and leaned back.

The bell rang and the rest of the missing kids came in.

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