Chapter 12 ~ The Slash, Bash, Smash, Clash Crew

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~ Chapter 12 ~

I walked into the Lair, totally drenched from the rain.

Bekka was already back from school, chatting with Leo. They stopped when they saw me.

Without a word, I walked up stairs.

Bekka wouldn't make eye contact with me. Not that I care or anything...

I knocked on my mom's door before coming in.

She was sleeping. I knew it was bad for me to stay in there, but oh well.

I crept inside and looked around. My mom, she looked different, wrinkles now covered her face, she looked paler too, her hands were gnarled like she had been working her whole life.

I frowned and looked around the room. Her blossom book was by a table beside me. What was the book even about?

Curiousty won me over and I snatched the book.

I slowly opened it. It was a scrapbook!

I turned the first page and saw a younger version of my mom with a handson looking guy.

'Thats your dad.' I thought.

I looked through it even more. My mom with a light bulge in her belly, her on a picnic with my dad, the BAM! She had a huge belly. Then a picture with her and a baby with a green bow in a green blanket.

'Hmp, even then they knew my favorite color was green.' I thought with a smile on my face.

I looked through the book more and more. Me when I was eating chopped up roman noodles, me and my mom sitting by a low table with tea on it. Me on Shredder's back, grinning wildly.

How could a man that happy turn into someone so evil?

I slowly closed the book and put it back. I went out and shut the door.

'Now what?' I wondered.

As always, Mikey knew when to appear at the right time.

"PIZZA TIME!" I heard him hollar.

I smiled and walked downstairs.

I felt everyone's eyes fall on me. Even Mikey's.

Did I care? No. I strudded on the floor like a boss!

"Hello everyone. Very rainy tonight." I said calmly.

I notice Katrina on the couch, drenched also.


Finally Mikey broke it by saying, "Dudes, is ANYONE going to have pizza tonight?"

I smiled. "Toss it here Mikey. If you can."

His face widened. "Challenging me? Oh no you didn't!"

"Oh yes I did!"

He flipped and tossed it in the air.

I jumped up and caught it easily.

"Like a boss!" I said, putting my hand in the air.

"Like a boss!" Confirmed Mikey as he gave me a high 5/3.

I flipped onto the couch and opened the box. Steamed curled off the pizza and into the air.

I looked around and saw everyone was watching me. I looked at them back.

"Its rude to watch someone else eat. Go gettcha own pizza!"

Donnie was the first to un-freeze and go up to Mikey. "Did you get ny pizza gyoza I asked for?"

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