Chapter 7 ~ A Kiss That Shall Not Be Missed

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~ Chapter 7 ~

We all stood in Donnie's lab, waiting for him to tell us the news.

He FINALLY pushed his chair away from his computer and looked dead at us.

"Well, here is the news mutants! Bekka is fine, but I don't know when she'll be awake for sure."

We all sighed with releif. Mostly me and Leo.

I frowned. "Wait, you don't know when she'll awake? What if she never awakes and is a coma forever?!'" I demanded, worringly.

Donnie laughed uneasily and put his hand on my shoulder. "Really, Nick? I know your her best friend and all, but you need to relax."

I shoved his hand off and pouted. "I can't relax! She is in a coma for Shredder's sake!"

"How do you think she felt when you passed out?"

"I never went into a coma in front of her, Donnie."

"Oh, then...I got nothing."

Mikey poked at Bekka as she slept peacefully on Donnie's metal Doctors' table.

Both Raph and I slapped at his hand. "Leave her alone." I growled.

Mikey quickly backed away and hid behind Leo. "Sorry, she looked squishy."

I slapped my forhead. "Mikey, shut up." I said.

Leo turned and glared at Mikey. "And Bekka is not squishy looking! She looks like a model!" He said firmly.

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh, really Leo? Perhaps you would like to explain to us all why you think she looks like a model to you?"

Leo blushed madly. "Uh, no. I'm good."

We all started laughing.

An idea popped in my head. "Hey guys, I think I might know a way to wake up Bekka sooner!"

Leo frowned. "How?"

I smiled. "Well, Bekka is VERY protecrive of her things. Like how she talks or does stuff. So I think if I steal enough of her things, she'll wake up and try and pound me!"

Mikey scratched the back of his head. "Uh, what now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just watch and learn, dude. Watch and learn."

I walked up to Leo and poked him. "Poke, Weo! Poke!" I giggled childishy.

"What are you doing?!" Asked Raph.

"Bekka likes to pretend she is a little kid sometimes and does that. Plus, she hates it when I poke people!"

They just frowned at me.

I crossed my arms. "Why you guys be meanies?!" I said.

Mikey actually laughed a little. "Well, this is kind of entertaining! But I don't think Bekka is going to wake up..." He said, gesturing towards Bekka.

She hadn't even moved slightly.

I sighed. "Okay, time to step it up a notch." I muttered.

I poked Leo again and gave him a big hug. "I'm sowwie Weo. I didn't mean to hurt youz!"

Mikey laughed and Donnie cracked a smile. Raph just glared at Leo and Leo looked a little creeped out.

Bekka just turned and groaned in her sleep.

I growled and poked Leo repeatedly. He tried to slap my hand away but I kept on.

Finally I gave up after Bekka muttered something about blue cookies in her sleep.

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