Chapter 3 ~ Plunger Arrows

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~ Chapter 3 ~

I bolted up, sweat running down my temples.

Anothet distress call from that person, or thing. It ha sbeen happening ever since I gound my mom.

It was pretty much the same message. Like, 'I am coming,' or like last nights, 'Help me! But do not worry, I will arrive soon.'

Who was she? Was she the ninja that attacked Raph and I and is trying to fool me or is it someone else?

"GOOD MORNING, NICK!" Said Bekka as she flipped off the top bunk.

"You know, one day your going to epicly fail at doing that." I pointed out.

Bekka rolled her eyes. "Yeah and when that day comes, well it will be after you start falling off if things again!"

I smirked. "Sorry bro, but I haven't fell off of anything for a looooong time and its going to stay that way!" I said promtly.

I really wish I hadn't said that because at that moment I lost my balence and fell off my bed.

Bekka laughed. "Never dis my awesomness. Now get your necklace on and your Katana out! Its training time!" And ran out the door with her bow and arrows.

I groaned but I changed into my green "82" shirt, put on my necklace, tightened my ninja mask and headed to the Dojo.

When I got there, the turtles were training with Master Splinter and Bekka was waiting for me on the other half.

"Ready?" She asked.

I shrugged. "What are we doing today?"

"I'm offense, your defense. I shoot, you block." She said simply.

"Fine by me." I replied.

Bekka grinned and exchanged her arrows for the practice ones, with suckion cup tips. They remind me of plungers for some reason...

"Ready? GO!!!' Hollard Bekak as she started shooting.

I made my Katana appear and started swiping the arrows in half as fast as she shot them. Dang she was fast! But soon it was getting boring. I could see it on Bekka's face that she felt the same way.

"Oh, common Bekka! Faster! Two arrows!" I urged.

She smirked and shot two arrows at a time. I cut one in half and then blasted the other one out of the way. Then she shot three at me.

I easily cut all of them in half with one swing of my blade.

Bekka frowned and shot four at me. I cut two at the same time, kicked one and blasted the other.

"Okay Nick. You wanted a challenge. I'll give you a challenge." She said with a evil smirk on her face.

I raised my Katana. "I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like how this ends." I mumbled.

Bekka's smiled widened even more when she heard me say that. Then she took out FIVE FREAKIN' ARROWS and loaded them up on her bow.

"I hate you." I muttered as she shot them.

I whipped into action. I sliced the first two but when I blasted the other two, Mikey yelped in surprise. I turned my head and saw Bekka's arrows that I blasted was sticking up on his head like TV prongs.

I blushed. "Sorry!" But everyone else other there, beside Master Splinter, was laughing like crazy.

I remembered the last arrow and when I turned my head...

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