Chapter 10 ~ Playing It Safe

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~ Chapter 10 ~

I stared at the wall, rocking back and forth on my toes.

'Anytime now, Bekka.' I thought to myself.

My door swung open and Beka happily skipped in.

I frowned. "What's gotten you so happy?"

"Because of this!" She shoved her wrist in my face.

I pushed it away. "A Space Hero's braclet?"

She nodded. "Leo bought it for me!"

"Ooooookay then."

She put her hands on her hips and glared at me. "Just because my gift isn't as romantic as a neclace with weapons making my name, doesn't mean I can't like something!"

I shrugged. "Just because a boy gives you a gift, doesn't mean its a romantic gift." I pointed out.

"So, Raph gave you a NECKLACE. That's one of the second most romantic jewlery thing a boy can give you. A ring is the first and a braclet it the third."

I rolled my eyes. "He only gave me the freakin' necklace because of my powers. It helps me stay calm."

"Because Raaaaaaph gave it to you!" She said poking me repeatedly.

"I'll take away your phone if you don't stop!" I threatened.

Bekka did a over dramitic gasp. "You wouldn't dare!"

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh, yes I would."

We were silence for a few minutes, staring at each other.

Bekka slowly jabbed her finger in my side and said, "Pooooooooke!"

"Thats it! Bekka Marie Lee Smith, prepared to die!" I growled and ran at her.

She shreeked and ran downstairs. At least she was slower going down the steps or else I would have already lost. That girl is fast!

I flipped over the stairs and landed on the floor. Bekka skidded to a stop and ran to the nearest room: Donnie's Lab.

I chased her raound Metalhead a few times, who just stood there. He was probably in shut down mode or something.

I pointed my finger at Bekka and levated her in the air.

"Nick! You boob! Put me down!" She growled.

"I thought calling people boobs are my thing!"

"It is but you steal my things so I'm doing it for a change!"

"Ohh, changing the script, are ya?" I said, raising my eyebrow.


"Not until your promise to stop poking me!"

"Niiiiiiick," she whinned. "You know I can't promise that! Its like you can't be aggresive anymore!"

I blinked. "But that's impossible for me."

"Same for me, but only poking!"

"I can't control my anger. You can control ypur poking!"

"Just let me down!"

The guys walked in at that moment with, uck, Katrina.

"Nick?! Put Bekka down!" Jumped Leo in surprise.

Bekka now was leaning against one of Donnie's inventions, increably bored looking.

"I was about to do that, Leo. Yesh!" I huffed and threw my hands up.

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