Chapter 9 ~ Why Friends And Enemies Are Alike

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~ Chapter 9 ~

I sat on the couch, thinking to myself.

Why did Katrina's voice sound so familiar? Have I met her before? Does she go to my school? I had no logic awnsers for any of them.

"Nick? You okay?" Asked Bekka as she appeared behind me.

I nodded, still concentrating on my thoughts.

Bekka cracked a smiled. "Bro, something is wrong with you if you aren't talking."

I sighed. "Doesn't Katrina's voice sound sooo familiar to you?"

Bekka frowned. "Not in particular. Why?"

"Because...there...there is something her voice! I know it!"

Bekka shrugged. "Maybe there is and I don't here it."

I shook my head. "No, I hear it, you got to be able to hear it too."

"Why don't you talk to your mom? She might know something."

"Isn't she still sleeping?"

Bekka shook her head. "No, I heard her talking to someone before I came down here, possibly Master Splinter."

"Are your sure?"




"Not a doubt in your mind?"

"Just go already!" She shooed me up the stairs.

I stuck my tounge out at her and continued up the steps.

When I reached my mom's room, I hesitated. I didn't hear no viices or talking. Maybe she was reading her book...

I slowly pushed to door open and stuck my head in. "Mom?"

I looked around the room before fully coming in. Where was my mom?

"My son, my persious son." A mumbling voice said.

I froze. Those were the exact same words she said when I found her. But why did she reassure me that I was a only child?

"Too far, too dark, I need to save him." She rambled on.

I looked around the room more, she was still asleep in her bed. Bekka must've heard her talking in her sleep and thought she was awake and talking with someone.

"My son, help him."

"Mom?" I asked shaking her shoulder a little.

"His life is to valuble, please." She urged in her sleep.

"Mom, wake up! Your having a bad dream!" I said, raising my voice and shaking her sholders even more.

"Aruico Saki, why? You promised!" She shouted in her sleep. Beds of sweat started to form on her temples.

"MOM!" I shreaked.

"SAVE HIM!!!" She bolted straight up and looked at me. Her eyes were pure black.

I stumbled away from her. "Mom?!"

"Save him, before his soul is damned forever and the world collasps."

"Mom, snap out of it!"

"If you do not save him, no, please do." She muttered a little to soft I almost didn't hear her.

"Who?! I can't save them if I don't know who they are!"

"Then you must perish." She growled.

I slowly backed away as she started getting out of her bed, and crawling towards me.

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