Frozen Hearts Ch.4

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I don't own Naruto, just my OC GOD DAMNIT!

Akuma's POV

I chased Konohamaru and Naruto angrily.

"GRR GET BACK HERE NARUTO! KONOHAMARU!" I yelled. They yelped with fear. Rin ran beside me, both of us on all fours.

"Ugh." I heard Konohamaru grunt. I looked to see a clown guy with purple makeup holding Konohamaru by the helm of his shirt. I slid to a stop, teeth and claws out.

"Put him down!" I growled. He looked at me.

"What's a little runt gonna do about it, huh?" He mocked. I growled louder, Rin growling right beside me. I charged at him with speed I couldn't imagine. In a flash I had Konohamaru in my arms and the clown guy on the floor, blood spilling from his mouth and nose. I passed Konohamaru to Naruto as the bloodlust came. I noticed sand on the ground and Sasuke and in a tree behind us.

I did a backhand spring just as the sand tried to grab me in its deathly trap.

"Akuma stop!" Naruto yelled, but I ignored him.

"Temari, let's get her." The spooky guy said, slowly getting up. Wait, Temari, we're have I heard that. The girl pulled out a giant fan, something I could never forget.

"T-Temari?" I asked, keeping my guard up. She looked at me, then slowly put her fan down.

"A-Akuma!!??" She asked. I nodded. We ran to each other, giving a big hug. "It's been so long Akuma!" She giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"It's only been a year." She rolled her eyes this time.

"So where's Zabuza and Haku?" She looked around for them. A silent tear fell down my cheek.

"Don't tell me they-." I nodded, giving her an answer.

"I don't mean to interrupt anything but who the hell are you?" The clown guy asked. I growled.

"Why don't you mind your own damn business and maybe I'll tell you." I snapped. I could feel Kitsune feeding off the energy.

"Kankurō stop." She looked into my eyes. "You don't want to make her mad, she's just like Gaara." Temari warned him.

'Can we scare him?'

"Please, he's annoying the crap out of me"

I let Kitsune the reins and she got in control.

Kitsune's POV

I watched as the clown boy had fear in his eyes. My horns formed, tail and ears the same. My teeth felt sharp and ready to attack.

"Stage 1, please don't go any further Akuma." Temari pleaded.

"Do not worry, little one, I could kill him in this stage of I wanted to." I told our friend.  She looked at me with the same fear.

"Kitsune please, don't hurt my brother." She pleaded again. I sighed and gave in, letting Akuma sit on the controls once more.

Akuma' POV

I snapped once more at Kankurō before turning to leave. As soon as I turned, I felt a soft substance hold me down. The sand was wrapped around my ankles, holding me in my place. I snapped a low growl. The sand went further up my legs. Then it stopped.

'I stopped him for now'

"Thanks Kitsune, I owe ya one"

'Yea you do, my bloodlust hasn't gone away'


The sand slowly went back down, looking to have been strained to keep up. A quiet breath told me he was in the tree next to Sasuke.

"You guys are a disgrace to our village." The boy said. I heard a quiet gasp come from Temari and the other guy. I looked at the boy with determination and courage.

"What's wrong scaredy cat, don't want to fight me, hand-to-hand?" I stared directly at the spot he stood at. Everyone looked in the direction to see a boy with red hair and a gourd on his back. Sand spilled from it. I gave him an evil smile before calling my mates to hurry up.

I grabbed Konohamaru and Naruto by the ear and dragged them all the way to the 1st part of the exams. Once we were outside of the building, I smacked Naruto and Konohamaru across the head.

"You idiots!" I yelled. When I turned back around, Sakura was next Sasuke, go-go eying him.

I rolled my eyes and we all walked in, climbing two flights before seeing room 303. I looked at the sign, confused. We climbed two flights to get to the third one? I shook my head and climbed the stairs one more time, the rest following behind.

We climbed to the third flight to see the real 303. As soon as we got in I separated from the group and sought out Temari.

"Akuma!" Someone whispered. I turned to see Temari, along with Kankurō. Rin sniffed Temari and licked her hand as a greeting of hello. I gave Temari a hug and Kankurō a glare. He huffed and walked away somewhere.

"Ugh, when is that kid ever gonna shut up." Temari whined as Naruto blabbed about something.

"You get used to it after a while." A reassured her.

Hey all you kittens! Hope you liked this chapter and if you did show some support or feedback and I will ttyl! BBYYEE!!

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