Frozen Hearts Ch.11

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Sadly, I don't own Naruto. Even more sadly, I own my OC.

Akumu's POV

I woke to the bright sun poking through the window. I brought my hand to my face, blocking the blinding light from my eyes.

"Morning Kakashi~sensei!" I cheered as I entered the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning Akuma." Kakashi~sensei said with little enthusiasm. I grabbed an apple before bursting back into my room, grabbing all the things that were necessary.

"Come on Rin." I whistled. She gave a little yip before standing up, trotting over to me. I opened the door, speeding down the street. I passed many other rivals, getting a few to cuss at me. Finally I got to the stadium, going to the top.

"Hey Sakura!" I cheered as I reached the top. She smiled and gave a wave, putting her attention back to the center of the arena. I sat next to Temari, Rin at my feet.

"Hey Akuma, ready to see what I got?" Temari asked. I gave a little chuckle.

"Are YOU ready to see what I've got?" I asked back. She gave a sly smile and sat back, eyes starring infront. I looked to who I was facing against. Dosu, a sound ninja. But I didn't see him anywhere. I sighed. Well, so much for trying out my new jutsu's. Then, after Naruto rudely barging in, the battles began.

First up was Naruto and Neji. It was pretty intense, how Naruto could hold up Neji's byakugan. But in the end Naruto left hooked him, and it was pretty awesome.

Next up after the awesome Naruto Neji battle was Sasuke's and Gaara's battle, but Sasuke wasn't here. I searched everywhere, but I couldn't find them, so the battle was skipped for now.

Then it was Kankurō's match against Shino. I cheered him on until he said he was withdrawing.

"Aww come on ya damn cry baby. Think Shino's gonna kick your little kitty ass?" I yelled across the stadium. He gave a huff, crossing his arms. I stuck my tongue out, sitting back in my chair. I looked on who was next. Temari and Shikamaru. Temari had moved away from me, going with her brothers. She hopped down from the viewing area, starting it off.

"GOD DAMNIT SHIKAMARU I'M GONNA KICK YOUR SORRY ASS!" I screeched. He gave out a sigh.

"What a drag women are." I heard him say. I gripped the handling of the rail, standing over the edge.

Akuma settle down, it's nothing to get mad about

Sorry, it's just he has so much more potential than this

Yes, we both know that, but just please let it go

Ok, I'll try

I sat back down, my foot tapped nervously on the floor as we waited for Sasuke to come. Then, with a little effect, Sasuke and Kakashi~sensei appeared in the middle of the arena. We all cheered with excitement. Then Gaara hopped down, having the same expression as ever. I remember when that expression changed when he talked to me.


"What is your purpose?" Gaara asked.

"What?" Confused, I stepped closer, leaning against the rail next to him.

"What is your purpose?" He asked again. I thought for a while.

"My purpose? My purpose is to show all those who doubted me that I'm more than just a beast, a monster. My purpose is to be the greatest ninja that I can be. That is my purpose." I said flatly. He nodded, turning to look at me.

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