Frozen Hearts Ch.8

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For the world, I don't own Naruto, just the weird OC I created.

Akuma's POV

The 4 days flew by quickly. When we were all called, I noticed all the other Rookies made it too. Then this guy who looked like he had a bad cold started to talk, coughing a few times. Then the names were said.

"Come on Sasuke, you can do it." I whispered as his name and another's was said. We all hopped up to the ledge above, the match starting.

After Sasuke's battle, next was Shino's battle. It was pretty lame, but others thought it was exciting to watch. I yawned, not amused by it.

After Shino won, Kankurō was up.

"Beat him into the ground Kankurō!" I yelled, cheering him on. He looked up to me, giving a cocky smile.

"I will Akuma! Just you see!" He looked back at his opponent. I cheered him on a little more before settling down. Then the battle began.

"YAY KANKURŌ! THAT'S HOW YA DO IT!" I yelled, standing on the railing.

"Akuma shut up!" Temari screamed across the room.

"Never! If you want to beat me you have to think like me!" I screamed back. I saw her give out a huff and she crossed her arms, looking away. I gave a little giggle.

I looked next to Temari to see Gaara staring right at me. His face was expressionless but his eyes shouted excitement. I gave him a wave along with a smile, but he just looked the other way. I lowered my hand slowly, confused.

The names next were Ino and Sakura, childhood friends. They spoke, fought, and did other things, but I barely paid attention, like any other. After the big mind battle, it was a draw.

"Aww, come on." I whines as they took both girls off the battle field. They looked pretty bad, scrapes covered their bodies. Next was my girl, Temari.

"Come on Temari, you can do this!" I cheered. She looked at me, then pulled out her fan, starting the match off.

Then it was finally my turn. I hopped down from the rail I was perched on, facing a sound ninja. The guy coughed one more time before starting the battle, stepping back.

"Now go easy on me sweetheart, I'm just a kid." I taunted the sound ninja girl. She growled, racing to me to blow a punch. I jumped up, landing on her arm. She took out a kunia, getting a few slashes on my arms.

3rd POV

Akuma stepped back, blood seeping down her arms. Temari and Kankurō cheered in the background. The sound ninja laughed.

"You pathetic girl, you don't have the right to be called a ninja." She sneered. Akuma did one hand sign.

"Secret jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors!" She yelled and soon 7 mirrors surrounded the sound ninja.

"What the hell?" She whispered. Akuma melted into one of the mirrors, making another hand sign. Soon the blood from Akuma was made into little kunias.

"Blood style: Blood knives of death!" Akuma said. Soon from every angle kunias were spat out. The sound ninja screamed in pain, blood pouring from her body. But the blood never made it to the ground. Instead Akuma used her blood, making more kunias.

When the mirrors disappeared, the woman lied on the ground, not moving.

"She, she killed her." Temari stuttered. In one swift move, Akuma ripped at the woman's neck, scaring everyone. Gaara looked at the girl with amusement, but never said a word.

"The winner of the 5th round in Ketsueki Akuma." The guy said, frightened. Everyone looked at her as the guy said her last name. Akuma looked at everyone, blood splattered all on her face.

A long tongue soon emerge from her mouth, licking up all the blood from her face. Temari looked over at her brother to find him smiling, just a little, at her. He had bloodlust in his eyes.

"What's everyone starring at? Don't we have some more rounds to do?" She asked. Everyone snapped from her gaze and the 6th round started.

Akuma's POV

Next up was Kiba and Naruto. I was torn until I remembered something.

"Hey Akamaru, bite Naruto in the butt for me will ya?" I yelled. Akamaru gave a quick little bark before returning his gaze back to Naruto.

"Hey! Akuma we were on a team, remember?" Naruto whined.

"But you still whine like you're a damn 5 year old." I yelled back. He let out a grunt before the round started.

I soon felt the presents of someone behind me. I turned, seeing Gaara.

"Oh, hey Gaara." I nervously said.

"Hey Akuma." He replied back. He soon reached his hand up to my face. I flinched in contrast. He kept reaching out until his thumb met my cheek, wiping something off. Blood dripped from his thumb. He brought his hand back, showing it to me.

"Oh, sorry." I whispered. He held out his thumb, as if he was telling me something.

"Take it. It was your kill after all." He said, sticking his thumb closer to me. I looked at him weirdly, but he just kept bringing his thumb closet and closer. Soon his thumb was a centimeter from my lips. I awkwardly opened my mouth, letting my tongue out. He pressed his thumb against my tongue, all the blood seeping into my mouth.

He lifted his hand away from my mouth, dropping it to his side.

"So Ketsueki clan, right?" He asked, leaning against the rail. I nodded.

"My clan was slaughtered when I was little, by the demon inside me. A ninja found me in the rubble of my former clan. He took me in to the land of the waves. But no one likes me. Every time I went up to someone, they'd scream and run away. By 12, I had committed too many crimes to count. They drove me out of the town. Then I met Zabuza, the demon of the mist. After a year of being with him, I finally got to the leaf village after he died, and here I am to this day." I took a deep breath after. He nodded.

Soon the matches were over, and half the people in the Chūnin exams were gone.

Damn, a creepy ass Gaara and a sad backstory. What will author~chan come up with next? If you liked (which will be surprising) this chapter than show some support or feedback and I will ttyl! BBBUYYEEEEE!

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